John Carter

My first sci-fi/fantasy novel I read as a child was Edgar Rice Burrough's "John Carter of Mars." Pulp, sure, but deliciously so. Can't wait for this. (don't fuck it up, Disney)
Not being familiar with the source material, I saw the trailer last week and thought it looked fun, but not really all that memorable. My girlfriend and I decided we'd probably see it (we're both sci-fi/fantasy junkies), but not exactly high hopes for it.
Had the chance to see a couple of extended sequences at a movie convention a couple of weeks ago (sort of a British comic-con) and it looked just awful.

Not for me I think.
It looks like Conan meets Star Gate

Conan + Stargate = GOR (not very Disney, but I read the GOR series at 12, which explains a lot.. )


(p.s. Boris is the king!)

Glad I'm not the only one who slogged through that entertaining trash. I think I stopped around the 7th book or so, when it started to get repetitious. But you can't beat it for half-naked barbarian slave girl action.
I can't help but ask -- why is it being released in March? There are some great films that have been released in March, but I don't recall any from the Action Blockbuster Sci Fi genre. I think it's release date is a bad sign.
I saw the trailer a while ago but failed to realize it was based on something.

Looks kinda cool. Ive been jaded too many times to have high expectations but i will be watching it at least once.
I saw the trailer a while ago but failed to realize it was based on something.

Looks kinda cool. Ive been jaded too many times to have high expectations but i will be watching it at least once.

In the books a Captain in the confederate army is transported to mars which is of course populated by monsters, strange inhabitants, and hot chicks for him to bang.
I saw the looks to be good, the trailer was great...definitely seeing it. Probably will be some sequels considering John Carter always ---- in the books and then -----------.
Going to show my age. The first few books were all written in 1912 - 1914. I read the entire series back in the early 60's (kept the very same Ballantine 50-cent, now yellow-paged, paperback books which my 17 year old son is now reading). LOL. I have all the Edgar Rice Burroughs (born 1875) 'John Carter' series and complete Tarzan, Earth Core & Venus series too.

Burroughs died before he could complete the 11th Carter book, but I have a copy of that limited edition in print too. His family kept up the copyrights. They ruled those rights with an iron hand.

The Carter books for film-rights have been fought over since the 1920's. Robert Rodriguez even taking a shot at making them a few years back. Problem was always going to be the cost of FX -- how to make the visuals look real. This is a massive expense. The first live action film by Pixlar (financial tab by Disney). Heard it was more expensive then Avatar and will use the latest 3D technologies.

The solid cast (do a google search) have all signed to do three film(s) (contracts). The Trilogy is being done by hard-core John Carter fans (just like LOTR was done by fan P. Jackson). They plan to follow the stories 'A Princess of Mars', 'The Gods of Mars' and 'The Warlord of Mars' pretty closely. They are going for the Frank Frazetta look as well (did the book covers) which might be a plus...

I do hope they don't go for camp or corn, which can be easy to do with old pulp fiction. The challenge will be immense.

Hope the first film is successful. I cannot wait to see what they come up with. As with LOTR.