Jackass 3D

Okay, we don't need to rehash the entire debate about whether or not 3D adds anything to a movie. We've got that "Sorry, Me" thread for that. I just wanted to comment on how awesome the 3D is "Jackass 3D".

In all the myriad of debates we've had on this subject, I've numerous times wondered whether or not this technology could ever be used effictively with live-action movies. All of the 3D movies I've seen that have looked good are animated (plus "Avatar"), whereas all the live-action ones look not much better than the 3D View Master.


The first 5 minutes of "Jackass 3D" should kick that issue in the nuts. The 3D feels as natural and organic as any animated movie. In a recent thread, it was mentioned that with live-action 3D, even though an object in the foreground can stand out from the background, it's still a 2D object. That's not even slightly the case in "Jackass 3D". Everything is a real object, in real space, and it looks great.

Oh, and they used shallow depth of field, and it worked spendidly, so you can lay to rest that bit about 3D requiring deep focus.
I remember when I was in my teens, Jackass was in it's prime. I had the whole series taped off tv.
Such memories.

Anyway. As much as the 2nd movie disappointed me, and as sure as I am this one will be another step down, I will go see it. Nobody tell me how it ends! :p It doesn't come out here until next month.

I realise this hasn't got anything to do with the 3D, but since I haven't seen it I can't really comment on that, so I just thought I'd comment on Jackass in general. I'm not very good at keeping on topic :/
It's got it's moments of brilliance, and others that I wish I'd never seen. The dildo bazooka is hilarious, and way too brief.

I recommend catching the 4:20 show.
Oh, and they used shallow depth of field, and it worked spendidly, so you can lay to rest that bit about 3D requiring deep focus.

The idea of deep focus is to put the viewer into the 3-D environment and make them feel like a part of it. If you are standing in a real jungle, everything is in focus to your eyes. That's not to say that shallow focus can't be used, just that 3-D leans that way - almost opposite of a traditional movie, which usually has shallow focus.

The other part of the deep focus arguement is that the indie movies will go back to looking like "video," just when DSLRs and lens adapters were using shallow focus to achieve a "cinematic" look.

As for JACK-ASS 3-D? The movie opened at #1, raking in over 50 million and recouping their 20 million dollar budget. By comparison, RED and its all star cast took in 21 million and have a ways to go to break even on a 58 million dollar budget (not including advertising).
The idea of deep focus is to put the viewer into the 3-D environment and make them feel like a part of it. If you are standing in a real jungle, everything is in focus to your eyes.

Yeah, I get that. I'm saying that the shallow DOF in "Jackass 3D" (it was only a couple shots) did not make it any less 3D. It looks great, in a naked-fat-guy-getting-hit-in-the-face-with-a-cold-fish-in-slo-mo kind of way.

As for JACK-ASS 3-D? The movie opened at #1, raking in over 50 million

And that's a record for an October release. I think this "fad" might stick around.
I'd like to see it, too. I wasn't a big fan of the TV show, but for some reason the two films amused the living hell out of me. I still don't like the "Let's drink horse semen!" or "Let's eat cow turds!" stuff, but the really, really good physical comedy bits are to me some of the best physical comedy of the last thirty years. At times it's honestly quite brilliant.

I also hate Bam Margera, so anything bad that happens to him is A-OK with me.
This was without question the best use of 3-D I have ever seen. Best use of slow motion as well.

I'm not sure that this would work as well in any other format though. It works in Jackass because you are not expecting it to feel cinematic nor to emerse yourself in it.
I'm not sure that this would work as well in any other format though. It works in Jackass because you are not expecting it to feel cinematic nor to emerse yourself in it.

That's debateable, of course. In fact there's a pretty lively debate going on, right now, in another thread. Whether or not 3D adds anything to a regular narrative movie is a big ol' conversation, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm just saying it works, just on an aesthetic level. Pirhana, Alice, Center of Earth -- every live-action 3D movie has looked like crap (except for Avatar). This is the first one I've seen that looks REALLY good, that's all I'm saying.
That's debateable, of course. In fact there's a pretty lively debate going on, right now, in another thread. Whether or not 3D adds anything to a regular narrative movie is a big ol' conversation, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm just saying it works, just on an aesthetic level. Pirhana, Alice, Center of Earth -- every live-action 3D movie has looked like crap (except for Avatar). This is the first one I've seen that looks REALLY good, that's all I'm saying.

I agree completely
Huge fan of the TV series. I loved the first 2 movies. Saw it last Friday, I don't think I was ever close at vomiting in a movie theater...ever. The poop/ass volcano and the sweat cocktail, especially. With 3D technology, Stevo can now throw up on our laps haha.
I've heard it sucked but i've been too busy to check it out myself. I will soon though.
I hated alice in wonderland in 3d....
Can't believe Jackass is still going, let alone given the funds for a 3D feature.

Sorry, not my cuppa brew.

I'm with you. It depresses me no end that these are so successful. The fact that #3 broke all box office records for an October opening makes me want to rethink my career choice. Or maybe slit my wrists, which might be less painful.
Putting aside (for the moment) whether it’s a good or bad movie,
if it should or should not be still going, if it’s funny or not;
doesn’t this support the opinion that 3D is a gimmick?

The entire “Jackass” series is a gimmick and 3D just added to the
gimmick. Does this movie demonstrate that 3D can be used well for
a drama, thriller, comedy or romcom? Or that using 3D as a gimmick
can be very effective?

Would Eastwood’s “Hereafter” or “The Social Network”, “The Town”
or even “RED” have benefited from the use of 3D?