bird said:I've also invented something which I think has an infinite number of practical applications. It's round like a ball, but flat, sort of like a slice of a cylinder...I call it, 'The Whe-el'. Like a chicken in every American pot, I envision a sea of 'L-A-z-y S-u-s-a-n-s' on every American table, starting with Chicago tables, well, my table anyway. It would display entrees, desserts, beverages, and condiments all on a mobile, easily accessible "Whe-el" in the middle of a "Squ-are" table (which I shall invent tommorrow). Now, all I need to do is determine the ideal surface area of said "Whe-el" as to better display dressings, foodstuffs, cakes, and ah,.....EUREKA!
Very funny

I'm all for using an old concept to help get ppls work "out there", if it works.
As far as developing a sense of "community" among indie filmakers, it seems to me that indietalk, Spatula, and vegasindiestv are doing the best job (as evidenced by this thread) by supporting each others projects. To flat out demand that all indies lay down their art to support one "Master Project" is beyond counter-productive. It's destructive - look at the resistance funches has gotten (well, attitude factors in as well)
That's my two cents, now I'm broke again dangit!