archived-videos ITOOFC #4 Official Entries

Here are the films competing this round:

From Terrasolo - Annoying Brian
Discussion Here

From jdmarlow - One Dream
Discussion Here

From dylan61 - Talking Dead
Discussion Here

From Boz Uriel - No Strings Attached
Discussion Here

From EddieLeonardo - The Wretched Decree
Discussion Here

From CootDog - Casting Call
Discussion Here

From Spatula - Bloody Hell
Discussion Here

From Zensteve - Rest
Discussion Here

From John@Bophe - Lullaby
Discussion Here

From DirectorX - Darkness
Discussion Here

Polls will be open for exactly two weeks. Vote for your favorite. Vote for the best. Vote for who ever offers the biggest cash bribe. Just Vote!

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Now loading a fifth piece....for god's sake, have some mercy on us dial-up drones. I figure the remaining five are 2-3 hour downloads (each) for me. Anyone have a book version?...or in the process of writing the book version?...or, perhaps, submitting a manuscript, or still making notes in the margin of a long-hand version of a book?:D
"Casting Call" has an original score from Matt Pauler.

Please be advised that we have an original score in this film. Artist is Matt Pauler
Bird... you have great determination spending hours downloading something that is only 5: long.

I hope you enjoy them... Mine's a little less than 10 meg.
To keep everything fair we will only accept one vote per IP address. Some votes have already been adjusted.
Really exciting stuff.
I have to watch the films again before posting and voting. Good stuff!

Bird, your efforts are appreciated!
So if the people voting are using the same location to vote from, you will not accept their votes?

As in an internet cafe running on a generator. Just clarifying please. Policy is policy, just asking.
Ok Thanks Indie... I understand the policy is to thwart erroneus and inappropriate voting.

Looks like a tight race here!

Hey all,

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but is there a place where suggestions can be made for these films? I'm seeing a lot of praise and glad-handing, but not much in the way of constructive (or mildly destructive) criticism. Again, I'm not looking to nail anyone to the wall - but if we aren't helping each other become sharper craftsmen, then what's the point of this site.

Just curious. Many thanks.


a man a plan a canal panama (longest palindrome ever).
Shawn -- the first post in this thread lists all of the movies in the competition. Immediately under each title is a link to its own individual discussion thread. In those discussion threads you are free to comment however you feel is appropriate.
I know that those threads exist, but there doesn't seem to be any real criticism going on there... That's why I thought there might be a "special" thread for the hard stuff.

Thanks though!

I would like to say congratulations to all the filmmakers for their efforts!

I was unable to view two of the works (did load the newest ver of QT only to discover when I returned from work this morning that 'some' of the files were corrupt and suggested that it be downloaded again-arggg, not a chance). Sadly I didn't get to see 'Talking Dead' or 'Annoying Brian' so I will abstain from voting.

I have to say this is the first time I've had the chance to load and view works of Indietalk's competition and I am impressed at the work put into, and the vision of, our members.

Thank you for showing us all your art.