archived-videos ITOOFC #4 Official Entries

Here are the films competing this round:

From Terrasolo - Annoying Brian
Discussion Here

From jdmarlow - One Dream
Discussion Here

From dylan61 - Talking Dead
Discussion Here

From Boz Uriel - No Strings Attached
Discussion Here

From EddieLeonardo - The Wretched Decree
Discussion Here

From CootDog - Casting Call
Discussion Here

From Spatula - Bloody Hell
Discussion Here

From Zensteve - Rest
Discussion Here

From John@Bophe - Lullaby
Discussion Here

From DirectorX - Darkness
Discussion Here

Polls will be open for exactly two weeks. Vote for your favorite. Vote for the best. Vote for who ever offers the biggest cash bribe. Just Vote!

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Upvote 0
shawnmelton said:
I know that those threads exist, but there doesn't seem to be any real criticism going on there... That's why I thought there might be a "special" thread for the hard stuff.

Thanks though!


Usually people try to criticise without blasting someone's hard work. There is a fair amount of criticism going on in those threads, but I would invite you to post your critique there.

shawnmelton said:
I know that those threads exist, but there doesn't seem to be any real criticism going on there... That's why I thought there might be a "special" thread for the hard stuff.

Fell free to post as much slag as you wish on "Bloody Hell". Go deep- make it hurt. :D

Just don't criticize my compression skillz- I know I suck... bah!

@ Bird- Thank YOU for watching our work! Do try and get those two flicks though, they're fantastic!
Every time I try to view the thread for "Rest" my browser (Firefox) freezes. Just wanted to let you know in case anyone else is having the same problems. I haven't had any other problems.
I finally have watched all of the films and have decided on my vote. It was a tough call, I narrowed it down to 5 then, down to 2, then to 1.

Great job everyone and good luck.
I'll agree with everyone -- these entries are all great!

I do intend to leave comments for all entries, but I still have a few left to do. I also want to thank all the people who left comments for all the entries in the discussion threads. Positive or negative, feedback is always appreciated. These filmmakers put a lot of effort into making these projects, and the feedback is their reward for their efforts--so thanks for that. Good luck to everyone!
We got a real neck and neck race goin' right now with "Talking Dead" and "Casting Call" leading the way with 13 votes a piece. We got a week and a day left until the deadline.

Who will win?

The Wretched Decree will win. I know it is an underdog now (translated to read: "last place"), but I believe some type of Magic Movie Miracle tm will happen that will propel it to the top.:lol:

Either way, I am very excited about this and I am just honored to be in the same company as these talented people.:yes:
Yea it's a real nail biter here! I know it's a week away but I keep checking 3 or 4 times a day.

I love the ITOOFC's. It brings out the best in people!
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shawnmelton said:
I've just re-uploaded the "Talking Dead" file for dylan61.
I posted a straight .MOV file instead of the .MP4 (which seems to be causing problems).

I was able to play it after loading the MPEG4 from Quicktime.

They were all great efforts, totally different styles, concepts, even genres. They ran the gamut from the newbie to the experienced. Wonderfully flawless classic work to experimental narrative, even abstract. I congratulate you all!

My vote goes for DirectorX for 'Darkness'. I thought you combined sorrowful images in a beautifully tragic way, you took a risk with sensationalistc material and managed to affect real response (which I think is a VERY BIG pre-req when seaching for an audience).
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shawnmelton said:
I've just re-uploaded the "Talking Dead" file for dylan61.
I posted a straight .MOV file instead of the .MP4 (which seems to be causing problems).

Hope that fixes it up for everyone.

Here's the direct line:


Shawn Melton.
I've tried both links with absolutely no luck over the last several hours... All other score sheets are in. I'll try again later tonight.


I have the MP4 version and am uploading it to my server... I'll edit this post with the link once it's done... should be about 10 minutes... Well actually you can to to get the file at say... 7:15am central time

It's up there now.
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The popular vote will no longer be an award. There are too many dummy accounts voting for the same films, and the moderators do not have the time to look up IP addresses and do all the detective work, nor should they have to.

The competition is in the hands of the jury.