yeah you right when we trying to watch any movie online there are some more pop up windows open without any click. i think advertising kill the internet entertainment.
What is killing internet entertainment is people who wantyeah you right when we trying to watch any movie online there are some more pop up windows open without any click. i think advertising kill the internet entertainment.
What is killing internet entertainment is people who want
everything for free. It's great for you. It's terrible for those
of us who make product and want to get paid to do it. Since
people will not pay to watch internet entertainment ads are
the only way to monazite internet entertainment.
Movies are not free to make. They should not be free to watch.
Of course not. But movies are being stolen at alarming rates. FarNo one is forcing the producer to provide a free service.
My comment was not about producers who freely make their
movies available for free. My comment was about the people
who feel advertising is killing entertainment - that those pop up
advertisements that allow a producer to make a little money are
killing entertainment. Advertising is what allowed TV to thrive. It
didn't kill entertainment it allowed TV entertainment to grow.
Advertising in the internet is not killing internet entertainment it
is allowing entertainment producers to make a little money.
It nothing more than a perspective; the consumer of internet
entertainment what it to be free. The producers of internet
entertainment want to make some money because the actors and
crew and writer want to be paid. I come from the perspective of
a crew member and a producer. I want to be paid from what I do
so I do not feel that advertising is killing internet entertainment.
ESPN has started pulling some of its video content from YouTube, just days after the video-sharing site announced its paid, ad-free tier called YouTube Red. ESPN content that has already been uploaded to YouTube are now marked as private, and ESPN-owned properties like Grantland have switched over to the network’s proprietary player.
I've been watching the internet for quite awhile.
Youtube is trying to eat the advertising lunch of the TV and cable networks, and I'm not sure if it has done that to any great degree. In fact, its attempt to get celebrities to boost its entertainment presence with celebrities has failed. That said, I've been saying that the internet will disrupt the entertainment business, though how is not known yet.
Does anyone have any channels on Youtube?
I've been watching the internet for quite awhile.
Youtube is trying to eat the advertising lunch of the TV and cable networks, and I'm not sure if it has done that to any great degree. In fact, its attempt to get celebrities to boost its entertainment presence with celebrities has failed. That said, I've been saying that the internet will disrupt the entertainment business, though how is not known yet.
Does anyone have any channels on Youtube?
i believe its part of the reason is actually been halted. Halted.