Is 35 too old to be a first time director?

Especially when making horror films? I spent the last 15 years of my life trying to make it as a screenwriter. Had a couple optioned but nothing made. All this time people who have read my scripts would tell me They have such personal traits that I should direct them myself. I never really put much thought into age until now when I am putting together my first film and when interviewing people for my crew positions, a lot either turn me down when hearing my age or they say they'll think about it but I never hear from them again.

Am I just in the wrong circles or should I give up?
Especially when making horror films? I spent the last 15 years of my life trying to make it as a screenwriter. Had a couple optioned but nothing made. All this time people who have read my scripts would tell me They have such personal traits that I should direct them myself. I never really put much thought into age until now when I am putting together my first film and when interviewing people for my crew positions, a lot either turn me down when hearing my age or they say they'll think about it but I never hear from them again.

Am I just in the wrong circles or should I give up?

I dunno why people would turn down work offers just because of your age. Gotta be a bit more to it than that. :huh:

Fwiw, I was in my mid-30s before I even considered starting a filmmaking career. Several shorts & one distributed feature later, I can't exactly claim I make an exclusive living at film but age has never been an issue in getting any project done.

should I give up?

Do you want to give up? :hmm:
I always wanted to make films since i was young. But my life dragged me in a different path so I am an IT Professional now. But never gave up on my dream so Started film school at age of 33 and finished few shorts and the feedback was really good from the peers and teachers. Now I am planning on my first feature film. Can't say I'll be a big filmmaker but I enjoy doing this. Actually for me, being bit matured helped a lot :)

Good luck go out and shoot, project your dreams in to screen!! Nothing else matters :)
If you're going to be writer, director and producer and your money is green no one cares how you spend it.

35 isn't too old to begin.

Your age isn't going to kill your career in film.

A - Your lack of creativity is the surest way to kill a career in film.
B - Your lack of organization and leadership is the second surest way to kill a career in film.
I would say definitely not - I'm quite a bit older than 35, but I am hoping to be a producer. Don't forget we're not only living and working longer, we also go through several career changes in a lifetime.
Life made no sense before I was 35 anyway. Some of us come into ourselves later than others. It's sometimes difficult to remember that, but being in your 30s isn't that old in the grand scheme. And in the case of Directing, having more life experience can make one a better storyteller.
Michael Mann was 36 when he directed his first feature - he was primarily a tv writer before that. Clint Eastwood was 41 when he first directed a film. It's certainly possible, but it seems to generally work out that people had experience and contacts in a related field before becoming a director. But it also depends on what you're trying to achieve. Do you just want to make films, or are you looking to make a career as a director? For the first I'd say age has absolutely no bearing on it. Fo the latter, the main consideration that comes with age is what your other responsibilities are, and whether you're willing/able to put in the time and effort to make it happen.
Really just depends on how good you are. I mean, if your scripts are awesome, finding people shouldn't be too hard. If they suck, then maybe you shouldn't be a filmmaker. But, you might have an issue of properly conveying your vision.

I mean, when I read the Dark Knight, it didn't read nearly as cool as it looked and that was because Wally Pfiefer and Chris Nolan were able to convey the vision properly.

So yeah, age doesn't matter so much as having a vision and story that can resonate with a large audience. If you can't do that, then you can't be a famous filmmaker.
To old? All my life all I wanted to do was make films. Just made my first short at 61, it was accepted into the Twain Harte Film Fest. Onward and upward.

I feel young at 40!!!!! I thought I'd be the oldest starting short film maker in town. I feel like a spring chicken.

However, we are all young compared to this guy (sorry, there's a load of advertising coming up but he plays at my local rugby club...),26691,12610_6710439,00.html

I think it's a question of talent. Like everything, if we have talent and the will, then we should go for it.