I'm this close to get into a fight with my boyfriend because of this video.

OMG! I thought I was about to die seeing E-Type posted here on Indietalk.:P
But as a swede i feel i need to tell his story.
Before you dismiss him as some weird pop artist the fact is he was a very talented rock singer and did metal stuff. Then he did like one pop/dance song for the lulz it was a smash hit. He tried metal again = no interest in him. Then he got a whole bunch of pop hits but he hates them himself but it earns him his living.
A funny thing is when he was to play at some music award ceremony they hired E-type the pop artist. He was so sick of that music so he did some metal songs and everyone went WTF!

Just felt the urge to somewhat protect our reputation around the world! :D

Thanks Lcaz. I guess that explains the number of kick drums and Marshall amps. It was kinda like seeing a Moped Scooter sound come out of a Harley Davidson.
Are you? ;) (Completely factious and rhetorical question)

I still don't understand the nature of what it was you and your BF were arguing over.
Oh, BTW, did you kick him out today? (This one is a legit question).

How about you, Brian? You a Bulgarian dancer?

Is it me, or is she not attractive at all? I mean, she's got a nice body and everything, but I finde her more slutty than sexy.
I still don't understand the nature of what it was you and your BF were arguing over.
Oh, BTW, did you kick him out today? (This one is a legit question).

He gets a hard on every time he watches this video... I know it's nature calling, but I still think I'd better kick him out :lol:
Is it me, or is she not attractive at all? I mean, she's got a nice body and everything, but I finde her more slutty than sexy.

As an ex dancer myself, I appreciate her energy and carizma on stage. I, too, think she's a bit slutty, but it doesn't change the attraction she creates..
After having listened to that song, kinglis, I'm ready to start a fight with you too ;-) I'm feeling the need to clear my head with some old school dancehall. Or the Red Elvises' "I Wanna See You Bellydance" for some reason....

Oh, and the sillycrazy stage setup is a fine tradition in rock and roll. Most of those "wall of amps" setups are for show. And, hey, not just in rock, guess how much of the band Justice's old setup is actual music-producing gear: