I'll be watching you.

I spilled beer on my keyboard last night. Laaaaaaaame. Typing is now severely limited, basically not possible. It's not that I don't have the money needed for a replacement, but the place I would buy one from is out in the burbs. The city of Richmond really has no shopping in the city center, where I live and spend all my time. There's no telling how long it'll be before I make the trek to get a keyboard. Maybe next week? Maybe longer?

Until then, enjoy your C-Funk vacation. I'll still be here, but my communication will be limited to smiley's and youtube links, stuff that doesn't require typing. I can always type from my phone, though, so I expect to see everyone on their best behavior.

So, tootaloo, kangaroo. See ya later, alligator. After while, croccadile. See ya soon, babboon!

my communication will be limited to smiley's and youtube links, stuff that doesn't require typing.

Who's gonna write up the opposing viewpoint, in my thesis-length paper titled "Avatar - Cameron's 3D Folly of the Absurd" (subtitled "Do Americans really need blue aliens? A study of Pandora"), that's due in a few days?

With speaking engagements & a touring debate scheduled at several university campuses (and a web-cast live at Oxford) - oh well, I guess I'll just have to find someone else who'll be willing to fly from city to city, appear on morning talk-shows and talk about the movie sensation Avatar, and the future of 3D in general.

Curse my luck at losing you today of all days! :mope:
Navi translation for bugger off:

"750 million domestic, b****"

Yes, and Bud Light is the best selling beer in America. ;) Just saying. :lol:

(For the record: Not an Avatar hater, not an Avatar lover - if anyone really wants to know my opinion on it I'll post. Aside from that, I'll just join in the fun little jabs like everyone else.)
So who wants to celebrate CFF (Cracker Funk Free) week on Indietalk! :woohoo:

Kidding, CF. Ill miss ya!

Actually i spilled champagne on my keyboard once, i immediately turned it upside down and left it to drip for a couple of hours. It worked fine after that.
What seems to be the problem with yours? Are the keys just jammed bc theyre sticky or did it short out or something. Because you can take the keys apart and clean the inside...
Kidding, CF. Ill miss ya!

Actually i spilled champagne on my keyboard once, i immediately turned it upside down and left it to drip for a couple of hours. It worked fine after that.

You should have put it in a tub of rice over-night. Anything electrical, preferably handheld. Rice has been saving mobile phones for years...
If you are watching, then what am I doing right now?

(If you said “Just looking at posts on indietalk.” then you are good, you are damn good -SORCERER!)

Okay, I am thinking of a number between 1 and 3…

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