I Love the Rangers

Well the good ole Texas Rangers have made me proud. Even if they end up losing to NY. Nolan Ryan is the best.
Power Rangers!!!
'Cause the eyes of the Ranger are upon you, any wrong you do he's gonna see, When you're in Texas look behind you, 'Cause that's where the Ranger's gonna be.
Ooh. I've heard that before. Someone in a movie calling someone else 'Ranger Rick'. I never knew what it meant. Now I do :)

Anyway, in regards to the original post, I don't know anything about American football, except what I've learnt from American movies, but I'm pretty sure rugby league is way better. Just sayin' :P
Uhh, that movie is "Avatar", and it's one of all the haters' favorite scenes to talk about how horrible the dialogue is.

The Texas Rangers are a baseball team, and American football kicks ass! I've got friends who play rugby, though, and I think it sounds very fun.
Lol, it is too! Thanks :)

Haha, well, that just shows how unknowledgable I am when it comes to American sports. But to be fair, who knows about sports teams from other countries, unless they themselves are really into the sport, or the teams are in an international competition or whatever?
And even when it comes to Aussie sports, I really only know about NRL (and I am definitely no expert either). I also know about cricket because Scott loves it, and just as he knows more about serial killers than he would if he didn't know me, I know what being 'out for a duck' means.

Cf, you're a pretty big guy aren't you? (I don't mean fat, I mean solid, like tall and big shoulders and stuff) You'd probably make a good forward.

A guy I used to know played baseball, so it is played over here, just not on a professional level.
I've played both. I was my teams 8-man. And if I had to make a choice I would prefer to play rugby and watch American football
Damn, CF worked Avatar into a baseball thread! :eek: