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I just finished my first full-length feature screenplay.

Shooting is scheduled to begin in a month-and-a-half (though, I'm yet to cast one major role). Ultra-low-budget indie.

Anybody wanna read this script and offer brutally honest feedback?
Pork Rind has a criminal record, yet has no problem using his real ID to drop stolen goods off at pawn shops knowing good and well that they have to hold items for police scrutiny and report any suspicious activity. Bag after bag of stuff from his "grandma" certainly wouldn't be suspicious, huh?

You're totally right, and I knew this was implausible as I was writing it. I just conciously decided to take liberties with reality. I think very few people understand the legalities of pawn shops. Heck, I might even take out the bit of him having to show ID. Especially my target audience. This movie's made for college kids.

Police didn't come knocking, asking questions when they got a 9-1-1 call from his cell phone and finding a half dead, heavily drugged 15 year old girl?

Why do you assume they know where he lives? And he has no job. Is good that you pointed this out, though, cuz you're probably not the only person who would think this, so perhaps I need to explain it, somehow.

Dog incident - finding missing dog - relevant to the story, or just more exposition to demonstrate his ability? You have already established his abilities. Why continue the exposition? Get to the real story and stop beating around the bush.

It might not be so relavent any more. The dog incident was there from the beginning, before the story of Lainee even existed. The original intent of the dog scene was for him to get the idea that he could find a missing child. After finding the dog, he sees the picture of a kid on the milk carton, light-bulb turns on in his head, hey let's go locate a missing child. But it was originally a totally random missing child, not Lainee. Things have changed drastically since then (especially in the last 24 hours), so this scene is now a strong contender for the chopping block.

Page 66 - Character reference to Lainee speaking, but Lainee isn't there.

Oops. Typo. This scene just got axed, anyway (major rewrite in the works).

Page 67 - Lainee is a registered missing person, yet no one cares enough about her to visit her? If no one cared, who filed the missing person's report? I would not say that was an "educated guess" on Jhoanna's part given those circumstances. More like luck. And surely Lainee would be on suicide watch. And in a hospital bed recovering from drug overdose with I.V. fluids pumping.

Who filed the missing person report? Well, her dad is abusive, but when she goes missing from school, don't you think he'd kind of HAVE TO file a report? He's not visiting her because he knows she ran away from his abuse. Either that, or the hospital will not let him visit, because Lainee has told all. As far as hospital procedures, actually, I consulted my sister, who is a doctor, and I'm afraid your assumptions are incorrect. Moot point, though. AXED!

Page 71 - At 15, now that Lainee is in custody as a runaway and a suicide risk, she is no longer in control of where she goes and with whom she stays. Her destiny is now under the control of Child Protective Services. Jhoanna should know that since you are portraying her as someone wise in such things.

Yeah. They're suggesting Lainee RUN AWAY from child protective services. Whatever. AXED! I never liked any of that whole scene, anyway.

Page 80-82 - Lainee would probably have been in a more secure location under the circumstances, closer to a halfway house than a group home. She took a drug overdose and she's a known flight risk. And she's awfully chipper and alert for someone who just had a near death experience. What is the time span from page 71 to page 82? Did we hit a time warp? From near death to group home in less than ten minutes of screen time?

Time-span was a week. I can't remember for sure, but I think I showed (or told) that in the script somewhere. If I didn't, I need to. Halfway houses are for crooks, and they're no more secure than group homes.

Cops would be descending on this group faster than you could chop that onion. Those are truly the "bad guys" in your anti-hero scenario that you've created up to this point, yet you don't demonstrate anyone or anything closing in on them. Thus, no rising action leading to a climax.

Hmm...I like your thoughts on this. I'm limited in what I can do, budget-wise, but that doesn't mean I can't have police incorporated in one way or another. I'll have to give that some thought.

Instead we watch them cook, play games, attend class, go to the movies, teach each other a fictional language, participate in a nice musical montage, do their laundry, watch TV...

The point of this is to show Lainee having positive experiences with people who are actually nice to her. This is the first time she's ever experienced anything like this in her entire life, and she gets to experience being a normal kid. She has to experience the positive, so that when it's all torn away from her, it's a crushing blow. Have you seen "Unleashed"? This portion of my script was heavily inspired by it. In "Unleashed", Jet Li is basically a human attack-dog, raised and trained by a loan shark. One day, he is taken in by a nice father and daughter, before the bad guys eventually come to repossess. "Unleashed" isn't dramatic gold, but for me, the section of the movie in which Jet Li learns how to eat ice cream and play the piano and grocery shop works really well. I've definitely thought of a couple ways to shorten this section, but there's no way in heck I'm axing it.

And then again we have to watch Pork Rind demonstrate his amazing ability.

Whoah. They find incriminating evidence to send her dad to jail. I don't see how you have a problem with that scene.

And after more robberies, more trips to the store... Page 114.

Huh? I think you must've typoed. Page 114 is DJ re-taking Lainee.

Finally, we will get to see Pork Rind unleash his superhero wrath to save the day. And...

Lainee saves herself? And then saves Pork Rind? Huh?!?

Hell yeah. Strong woman. But she doesn't do it alone. I think Pork Rind makes a pretty solid contribution. They save each other.

Those are some terrific notes. Thank you for them! Some of your suggestions will definitely be incorporated into the next draft.
While I'm poor, and always have been. Most of the people I've known in my life, have been at least middle class. I lived in Babylon LI for over 35 years, then moved to NYC, and now I live in Jersey. I've spent the better part of all those years hanging out in the city clubs (I got home a little while ago from seeing Camera Obscura, magnificent indie pop band from Scotland).

Even the poor people I know, have pretty nice places. Personally I thought Earnest was the supplier, not a low level street dealer. Supplier would give him upper mobility. The way I read it, Earnest is the equivalent of Nancy Botwin from Weeds.

But, I think you're missing the point, which is CHARACTER. Forget about real life and look at the characters and how your script presents them. Well rounded characters each have distinct lives, they must talk, act, and react accordingly. So with Earnest it doesn't matter what he does. It matters that from that one scene the audience comes away liking him. Making him seem like he's okay, that he has fatherly instincts etc. So, when the final scene comes, and we realize that she's going to be staying with him, we feel she's safe, and they live happily ever after.

That's what the audience needs, and it's not there. But, not just with Earnest, with all the characters. So, if you left the scene in any way shape or form the way it is, and just added something on the fridge, it's not going to cut it. It's character, it's about showing character and all the traits the audience needs to know about them.

That's where bios on your characters help round them out. If you don't your characters, a audience certainly won't. I'll throw out an example later or tomorrow. It won't be a great example, but a quick one.

Lainee is now 18 or 19 years old. And she's Pork Rind's love-interest. Jhoanna got axed. So sad to see you go, Jhoanna, you were my girl.

What Adeimantus said.

I like making impulse decisions. They're fun. Without knowing exactly the path that this new story will take, I went ahead and cast the role of Lainee, today. The girl who is to play Lainee cannot pass for 15, so the old story of Lainee is officially out.

Ideally, this script would go through MANY rewrites, at least 5. I don't have time for that. I must finish 2nd draft by the end of June. I do readthroughs with the cast, and we work out the kinks for a 3rd draft, by the middle of July, when shooting begins.

Needless to say, I've got questions for those of you who've been contributing (and anyone else who might've read the script by now), but right now, it's sleepy-time.

Congrats. Good Luck on the rewrite.

Just for an example... It's not perfect, it's not even very good. But look at your scene and look at this. There is a difference exposition is no longer exposition. This is much more like two friends who haven't seen each other. This sets up Earnest as being nice (a little more flamboyant then you probably want) and lonely.

EARNEST, a black man in his early 40's, dressed casually, adds seasoning to soup in a pot. His house is nice - well-decorated, well- kept, classic upper-middle-class suburban rich. He stops what he is doing when he hears a knock at the door.
Openning the front door, Earnest finds Pork Rind, wearing a dirty, stained solid color polo shirt, and worn-out black slacks, with a black apron draped over his shoulder.

(looking around at the houses on the right)
Pork Rind. How you doing?

Doin great Earn.

(Earnest looks to the houses to his left)
What are you doing here?

I can’t stop by to see my old friend? I miss you man.

Get in the house.

Pork Rind enters. Earnest stands silently listening. He then goes in and shuts the door.
Pork Rind is checking out the rooms. Earnest finds him in the kitchen.

The place is fucking amazing.


Earnest goes to a pot cooking on the stove and stirs it.

Johnny must be cranking up his axe?

Didn’t you hear? He left me 3 months, two weeks, 4 days...
(looks at his watch)
5 hours, fourteen minutes ago.

Dude, you guys were like the Brady Bunch only with cats. Sorry to hear that.

Six years of my life wasted. What’cha gonna do? I will survive. I still got my babies.

PORK RIND walks away from the stove and sniffs LOUD. Earnest watches as Pork goes to the doorway and sniffs.

I don’t smell anything. I know no one ever told you. But, your last place reeked of cat piss and shit, bad.

(shakes his head no)
That was Johnny... They’re all upstairs in their rooms.

Your cats have rooms?

Four bedrooms, one person. Millie, Simon, Paula, and Dog all share the room next to mine. I like to keep an eye on them. Simon and Paula just don’t get along. Spidey, Irony, and Hulk love the east room. The sun shines in the morning...

What about Hercules?

Oh, poor Hercules passed about a month back. He was my first stray...

Dude you’re killing me here. First Johnny, now Hercules.

But, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel... Here stir this.

Earnest hands Pork Rind the spoon, exits.
Pork Rind stirs the pot. He sneaks a taste, then another.
Earnest enters with a kitten in hand.

This is Fannie. She just showed up on the doorstep a week ago.

Earnest trades Fannie for the spoon. Pork Rind pets the cat.

How’s it taste?

I wouldn’t (Earnest gives him a look) Fuckin A, it’s delicious.

Earnest throws a little baggie of pot on the counter in front of Pork Rind.

Thanks. I’m a little strapped.

I always have an open door for a friend. Don’t be borrowing from my neighbors.

Earn... You know me. I wouldn’t do that to you.

No, you’re a good boy... So, you gonna stay and have a bite?

I should really (notices the silence) Of course I’m gonna stay. I’m fucking starved.


Earnest grabs some plates and exits.

No candles man.
I don’t mean what you should do, or that it’s a great idea, but I personally would gravitate to something like this:

Pork and Stogie- Major in partying and ideas - Minor in funds and petty crime.

Ernest- The eccentric gay weed dealer with a soft spot for strays.
(Grows two things, weed and cat nip -both to support his animal sheltering habits.)

Lainee- On the run from a psycho slave driving Foster Family.
(Determined to get at least few happy teen memories out of life.)

DJ- Wannabe pimp/gangster/record producer.

Somehow the world could revolve around a telephone pole with fliers on it:

FLIER: “Cat Found” – Put up by Ernest
FLIER: “Missing Girl”- Put up by crazy Foster Family
FLIER: “Investors wanted” (Or something) - Put up by Pork and Stogie.
FLIER: “Record release party” (Or something) - DJ is hyping.

On the cusp of a breakthrough in their latest get rich quick scheme (Some kind of stoner home security device, like ‘The Stash Compactor’.. or something), the gears of productivity grind to a halt when Pork and Stogie (on reputation lock down all over town) are cut off from their source of inspiration (weed) until they can pay their tab with Ernest.

They blaze one of their last doobs and get the idea for an infomercial (for their stoner invention) actually made in a house they have broken into. But which house?

Ernest comes home to discover his door open, cats all run off and his weed gone! (He doesn't want to, but because of the things Pork and Stogie mentioned about breaking in and circumstance, he obviously thinks or comes to think Pork and Stogie ripped him off.)

Meanwhile - In the midst of their informercial break-in, Pork and Stogie accidentally discover Lainee, a runaway that needed a place to stay which turned into being held against her will.

Pork and Stogie (out of self preservation and sympathy) understand her not wanting to go to the cops, as it will lead to her being either returned to the Foster Family or being placed back in the system, and them getting busted for B&E.

They want to help her, but the only person they know that might offer some assistant is a man with a soft spot for strays- Ernest.

As they are leaving, in walks the home owner- DJ! (And his thugs who learned minutes prior that the chick locked in the back bedroom is a golden goose of reward money from a demented Foster Family looking to keep her absence Hush Hush from the foster care system for fear of losing the source of Cinderella like domestic slave labor.)

Somehow (Not sure) when DJ whips out a piece and says no one is going anywhere, they take off in his car.

DJ is pissed and after them because they:
Broke into his house.
Stole his golden reward goose Lainee.
Have incriminating video of him.
Took off in his car (that little do they know has a trunk
filled with Ernest’s weed!)

Ernest mistakenly thinks they ripped him off AND they do have his weed. (Maybe he is also determined to find them because he doesn't think they did it, but the rumor mill has every dealer in town looking for them like there is a bounty on their head.)

The Foster Family is after them for Lainee

I don’t know what else happens or how, and yes it has holes, and is not very plausible, but I think it could be written quickly and all converge on DJ’s party with Ernest there, the Foster Family there, the missing weed there, the video, and if the girl is physic (I like that she could be psychic- a curse in foster familes turned gift in new family) she can have even found the lost cats.

In the end- She could find a place in the world using her gift/curse to locate and return lost cats as a business/new family venture (love thing with Pork) in conjunction (somehow) with Pork and Stogie's invention and Ernest’s soft spot for strays funding and place to live.

So somehow you could have dope smoking, cat saving, B & E commiting, runaway haboring unlikely heros that save their own necks and the day.

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Why do you assume they know where he lives? And he has no job. Is good that you pointed this out, though, cuz you're probably not the only person who would think this, so perhaps I need to explain it, somehow.

Phone company records. They have to send the bill somewhere. Plus, with a criminal record, it's entirely plausible the local police know him. My father was a police officer. When there's a crime spree like what you illustrated, they'd be "rounding up the usual suspects" as the old cliche' goes. And his fingerprints (already on file) would be everywhere.

Who filed the missing person report? Well, her dad is abusive, but when she goes missing from school, don't you think he'd kind of HAVE TO file a report? He's not visiting her because he knows she ran away from his abuse. Either that, or the hospital will not let him visit, because Lainee has told all. As far as hospital procedures, actually, I consulted my sister, who is a doctor, and I'm afraid your assumptions are incorrect. Moot point, though. AXED!
You may want to research drug overdose a little more. Hell, my DOG was kept overnight on I.V. fluids after overdosing on his antibiotics (he ate the bottle). It very much depends on what she took. And if she was unconscious having required CPR to revive her, you are honestly telling me that they would not keep her under observation? You do know what happens when the brain is deprived of oxygen, right? Regardless, this does not ring plausible that she'd be up and around and coherent so soon after an incident where she nearly died. In fact, people end up in comas from this very thing.

Is your sister a medical doctor? And she didn't tell you that? Something's not plausible here, either. ;)

I try not to make "assumptions". As a writer, that's dangerous. I back up my claims with research or first-hand knowledge. Although that's no guarantee I'm always accurate, I am close to the mark more often than not.

Yeah. They're suggesting Lainee RUN AWAY from child protective services. Whatever. AXED! I never liked any of that whole scene, anyway.
Interesting. So are you insinuating that CPS is an enemy to Lainee?

In order to balance these characters, perhaps consider placing a someone in the mix whose moral compass isn't spinning like an airplane prop.

Time-span was a week. I can't remember for sure, but I think I showed (or told) that in the script somewhere. If I didn't, I need to. Halfway houses are for crooks, and they're no more secure than group homes.
Halfway houses are also for substance abusers. Lainee clearly qualifies since she tried to kill herself with pills. Regardless, she would not be left unsupervised as a runaway, a suicide risk and a ward of the court. I have a niece in this situation today.


The purpose of a halfway house, also called a recovery house or sober house, is generally to allow people to begin the process of reintegration with society, while still providing monitoring and support; this is generally believed to reduce the risk of recidivism or relapse when compared to a release directly into society. Some halfway houses are meant solely for reintegration of persons who have been recently released from prison or jail, others are meant for people with chronic mental health disorders, and most others are for people with substance abuse issues. These sober halfway houses are many times voluntary places of residence and many of the residents may have no criminal record whatsoever. There is often opposition from neighborhoods where halfway houses attempt to locate.

Hmm...I like your thoughts on this. I'm limited in what I can do, budget-wise, but that doesn't mean I can't have police incorporated in one way or another. I'll have to give that some thought.
I figured this was budget related. But there are always nosey neighbors and not just cops to worry about. In the world you've constructed, it appears nothing exists outside the microcosm of your characters - no cause and effect, no consequences for one's actions.

The point of this is to show Lainee having positive experiences with people who are actually nice to her. This is the first time she's ever experienced anything like this in her entire life, and she gets to experience being a normal kid. She has to experience the positive, so that when it's all torn away from her, it's a crushing blow. Have you seen "Unleashed"? This portion of my script was heavily inspired by it. In "Unleashed", Jet Li is basically a human attack-dog, raised and trained by a loan shark. One day, he is taken in by a nice father and daughter, before the bad guys eventually come to repossess. "Unleashed" isn't dramatic gold, but for me, the section of the movie in which Jet Li learns how to eat ice cream and play the piano and grocery shop works really well. I've definitely thought of a couple ways to shorten this section, but there's no way in heck I'm axing it.
But from your setup, the story isn't about Lainee. It's about Pork Rind and his transformation into a superhero so he can save Lainee, which he ultimately fails to do. Both your logline and your title reflect it.

Unlike Unleashed, you didn't setup the fact that she had never experienced anything like this before, so paying it off and running yet another character exposition and development sequence during a time when you should be wrapping up the setup portion of the story or expanding on ideas you've already established really slows down the pace. Things should be running at full tilt by now, and Lainee's escape alluded to "rising action", but instead of running frantic through the forest, so to speak, we end up wallowing in quick sand.

Whoah. They find incriminating evidence to send her dad to jail. I don't see how you have a problem with that scene.
Not that scene. He sits down and demonstrates to Lainee using cards again, the same thing we'd seen before. Sorry I didn't have a page reference.

Once I realized you were taking me (the reader, the audience) through another slow, boring, dialogue heavy sequence, I just started skimming, waiting for the pace to pick up and looking for the finale to start. And that didn't start until page 114, I believe.

Hell yeah. Strong woman. But she doesn't do it alone. I think Pork Rind makes a pretty solid contribution. They save each other.

Then make her your lead character. Your premise, your logline, your setup, was all about Pork Rind and his newly found abilities, but none of that came into play during the climax. This is where character arc is important. Opening sequence is about establishing your characters (at work, at home, at play), establishing a problem that requires action "or else", and then turning their world upside down. Once we get to the final sequence, your main character will have changed, learned the necessary skills to bring the problem to resolution, acquired the knowledge and wherewithal to "save the day".

Lainee escaped on her own by smashing a bottle over DJ's head. Pork Rind did not help her. Same thing with the knife. Pork Rind was overpowered, clearly outmatched, and it took Lainee to save him. Lainee also saved herself on page 1 by escaping and running away. Pork Rind didn't help her.

Lainee is the hero in this story. She's the survivor.

Those are some terrific notes. Thank you for them! Some of your suggestions will definitely be incorporated into the next draft.
No problem. Happy to help. :cheers:
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Phone company records. They have to send the bill somewhere. Plus, with a criminal record, it's entirely plausible the local police know him. My father was a police officer. When there's a crime spree like what you illustrated, they'd be "rounding up the usual suspects" as the old cliche' goes. And his fingerprints (already on file) would be everywhere.

My phone bill is sent to Memphis, TN, but I live in Richmond, VA. I pay bills online. I assure you, there are plenty of people (and I've done it before) who live without any traceable address. If they want to, they can find you through your job, but Pork Rind doesn't have one.

You may want to research drug overdose a little more. Hell, my DOG was kept overnight on I.V. fluids after overdosing on his antibiotics (he ate the bottle). It very much depends on what she took. And if she was unconscious having required CPR to revive her, you are honestly telling me that they would not keep her under observation? You do know what happens when the brain is deprived of oxygen, right? Regardless, this does not ring plausible that she'd be up and around and coherent so soon after an incident where she nearly died. In fact, people end up in comas from this very thing.

Is your sister a medical doctor? And she didn't tell you that? Something's not plausible here, either. ;)

Yep. Actually, my sister is a Doctor of Osteopathy, which is the same as a Medical Doctor, but better. We discussed the drug, it's immediate effects, recovery time, and legal issues at the hospital. The thing about a younger Lainee, as you and I've discussed, is the way in which CPS complicates things. If Lainee were an adult, she would be released on her own volition. Oh, how convenient -- in draft 2, Lainee is an adult! Now, I can do away with that stupid hospital scene, and group home scene. I never liked 'em; just had 'em there cuz I needed a plot device to get Lainee to Pork Rind's house.

And, nothing in the script indicates that Lainee hasn't been breathing for any particular amount of time. For all you know, she just stopped breathing right before Pork Rind came through her door. I don't feel I need to indicate how long she's been out.

Interesting. So are you insinuating that CPS is an enemy to Lainee?

Of course not. Did you skim the hospital visiting room scene? Jhoanna describes the fact that Lainee will almost assuredly spend the next few years in and out of different group and foster homes, and that is a very poor way for a kid to grow up. You and I, as adults, know that Pork Rind and Stogie's house is no better (if not worse), but Pork Rind and Stogie don't think so. Child Protective Services are a positive service, staffed with caring people, who want the best for the children they represent. Nevertheless, the harsh reality is that growing up a foster child is usually a very tough existence.

Regardless, we digress. Lainee is to be an adult in the 2nd version.

BTW, I'm sorry to hear about your neice. I hope her situation improves.

Not that scene. He sits down and demonstrates to Lainee using cards again, the same thing we'd seen before. Sorry I didn't have a page reference.

Ah, I see. I can see how that's boring as heck for you to read. The actual screen-time devoted to this will be no more than 5-10 seconds. We're talking rapid-fire jump-cuts to show (very quickly) that Pork Rind tells Lainee about his power.

Once I realized you were taking me (the reader, the audience) through another slow, boring, dialogue heavy sequence, I just started skimming, waiting for the pace to pick up and looking for the finale to start. And that didn't start until page 114, I believe.

Oh, man, you skimmed a pretty big scene. I'm not saying I can't trim the fat in many places, but yeah, you skimmed an important one.

Lainee escaped on her own by smashing a bottle over DJ's head. Pork Rind did not help her. Same thing with the knife. Pork Rind was overpowered, clearly outmatched, and it took Lainee to save him. Lainee also saved herself on page 1 by escaping and running away. Pork Rind didn't help her.

Pork Rind uses his psychic power to find she and DJ. And he shows a heck of a lot of courage confronting DJ. Yeah, DJ kicks his ass, but if he wasn't there to distract DJ (twice), Lainee would've surely been toast. Either one of them on their own -- dead. Teaming up against DJ -- win. They save each other, and personally, I think Pork Rind behaved heroically, and I don't need him to be the classic unstoppable force of an action hero. I ain't trying to make a damsel-in-distress story.

Please don't think that anything I say is a "must change". Just take into consideration based on my impressions (because that's all they are) how others would react. Although not your ambition, if you dropped this script to a reader or prodco for consideration, it would've been quickly rejected and round filed. Even if they got past the setup which showed promise of something interesting, by the second half of the script the same thing would happen.

All this commentary is just to kickstart the thought process.

And skimming what you consider an important scene when there is not much there but talking heads and a reiteration of many things that have gone before should also be a warning sign to you. That goes back to "show, don't tell". Job #1 for the writer is to entertain the reader. Everyone reads. A good, strong read generates enthusiasm and excitement in everyone attached to the project.

No one can get into your head. If it's not on the page, it won't get into the head of the reader. Even though you may not have given an indication of how long Lainee wasn't breathing, you also didn't give any indication that she was breathing when they got there. And that leads to a reader jumping to his own conclusion.

As for the phone bill, again, Pork Rind has a criminal record. They know him. He'd be in the system. They'd find him regardless of where his phone bill ends up. And by phone records, they'd see the phone numbers of his associates, so I don't care if your phone bill goes to Antarctica, it's not that difficult to figure out where you are by the numbers you dial and those who dial you. And they ordered pizza. It would take me two minutes or less to find them based on the phone records. One call to the pizza place, and case closed.

Good luck with the rewrite.

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OFF TOPIC: Great band, similar to Belle and Sebastian. Probably not too expensive to license their tracks.

You know, everyone compares Camera to B & S. I guess I have to take a much closer listen to B & S, because from what I've heard (one or two tracks) I don't get it. But, now I'm gonna go hunt some B & S down. Because if they are, I'll have another band I can love.

Have you heard She & Him? It's Zooey Deschenel and M. Ward. Volume 1 sucks pretty bad. But, Volume 2 is CLASSIC. I love this album. It's like Leslie Gore and Peggy Lee combined. For those of you who don't know who they are, they're like female Pat Boone.