I have just seen the most disturbing film

Dude can you post your link. All I get is ads and crap. Have to see it. Pm me the link please if you don't wanna post it here.

You DO NOT want to see it.

Nor do you want to see goatse or tubgirl. And you DEFINITELY don't want to see Kids in a Sandbox. And STAY THE HELL AWAY from 1 guy 1 cup.

You've been warned.
This thread is hilarious! :lol:

I heard about 2G1C about 3 years ago, too, but I must admit I only got through the first 15 seconds of it before I had to shut it off. Color me old, but I just cannot deal with that kind of thing.

I did, however, truly enjoy the videos that were posted of people's reactions as they watched it. If you can find them, I really recommend them. The horrified fascination on this little, old lady's face is beyond priceless!
Painful shit to watch. I know the guy that owned the website that it first appeared on, that dude made an insane amount of cash from it.
Aw man! I just had to go check that Kids in a Sandbox deal...
That has shit on Tubgirl and 2G1C... Still, it HAS to hurt like a m---f-----
It's like saying "don't look now but such an such" Of course I had to look. Thanks for the tips cracker funk :)