I hate it when I'm the only person online.

You people and your normal sleep patterns.


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I go to bed around 2:30 most mornings and wake up around 10. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!

What you should be saying is 'stupid time differences.'
I hate that, too, which is why I usually load up my evenings with movies, reading and TV shows. I'm at the computer writing for several hours a day, so I'm usually pretty burned out on being anywhere near this thing by the time the sun goes down.
Dude I have those all the time. Unless there's some of our UK or Ausie buddies on. "I'm so woenwee. Oh so woenweeee." :)
Don't worry one day you will make the mistake of getting married.:) JK being married is cool if you have the right woman/man, whatever.:)