Sweet <3
I haven't had a normal sleeping pattern since...
Ah, I remember the days before I had a girlfriend and all I had was IndieTalk...
Don't worry one day you will make the mistake of getting married. JK being married is cool if you have the right woman/man, whatever.
I'll be your long distance cyber girlfriend. As long as we don't tell Scott
Ahh, the blackmail opportunities
I'll have CF and Cliche working for free for me in no time
slave-er- "Volunteer" film crew
And u just made the tshirt theyre all going to wear
Dammit, how did I fall into that?! I'll be on your 'volunteer' crew, but I won't be any good. I'll be forgetful, rude, late and clumsy. And BY GOD will I be lazy!
Dammit, how did I fall into that?! I'll be on your 'volunteer' crew, but I won't be any good. I'll be forgetful, rude, late and clumsy. And BY GOD will I be lazy!
You can blackmail cliche, but it won't work with me; I've nothing to lose. I might as well scream my fake-relationship from the top of the fake-world.
Think again!
You want a crocodile wrestling - kangaroo boxing - mad max attitude boyfriend after you?
@Cliche: No offense intended. And your nick name does say insert cliche here
Krykey!! Is that how you spell krykey??