You've got mad skillz sir and I envy you immensely
I like both the posters but if you prefer the first one then that's the one you should go with. I do however like the tagline 'Some of us have seen things' and reckon you could use that on the chosen poster as well as the discarded one.
Regardless, you're going to be a big success and I'm a fan![]()
I read ur blog. The first is a more accurate representation. I admire you for that. But you see how trailers are made. Accuracy doesnt matter, appeal matters so that more people watch the movie. The second poster is more commercially appealing.
Im not saying one way is right or wrong. Just thought id mention the tradeoff.
For marketing purposes - I'd go with the suggested alien-bot icon image poster.
Butts in seats.
That's what everyone wants.
Truth and accuracy is an after the fact luxury.
Sad but true.
I think both posters are excellent. I personally prefer the spooky iron giant one, but I very much understand, and appreciate, your logic on not wanting the poster to be misleading.
My only question, though, is about the pictures of all the cast. I'm not sure I see how it's really beneficial to have them there. To me, the row of pictures is used to show that it's an ensemble cast. That's a great strategy when you have recognizable faces in the ensemble, but when it's a bunch of people that nobody recognizes, I don't really see the benefit. If anything, I kind of think the poster might look better with a cleaner look; it's almost like the extra faces just clutters things up.
Also, I agree with Nick -- the tagline, "Some of us have seen things" is great.
Also, I think I like the string of actors' mug shots. I mean, that looks like an important element of your film, so why not sell it? It's honest, and personally, I find it appealing. Not having seen the finished product, it looks like a film along the lines of Best in Show. It's about an ensemble cast. It's about quirky characters. So, why not?
Anyway, your film continues to look brilliant!
the row of pics guarantees that at least 10 people will buy your movie!![]()
Top one works for me
Bottom one works for me
cant you make both?
To be honest, this poster looks like a "vanity" poster - one thatWell to be honest, the main reason I'm including the cast pictures in the poster is for them.
BUT... just yesterday I stumbled upon a company that specializes in short run prints. They were really reasonable. In fact, I went ahead and ordered some 18x24 prints (for a little over $4 each) to try them out. If these turn out well...
Would love a report on how the quality is and the name of the company. If you could post it here or PM me, it would be really appreciated.
To be honest, this poster looks like a "vanity" poster - one that
boosts the ego of those involved in the production. Nothing wrong
with that. In many ways a vanity poster can be terrific - certainly
for those involved in the production.
But it does give that impression so in other ways this is not a good
poster. I suggest losing the pictures for the reasons others have
mentioned and I suggest dropping your name - leaving only the
"written, produced and directed by" credit. You name three times
just screams "vanity production". On my first few movies where I
did everything I either made up names or gave "credit" to other
people who worked on the movie just so my name wasn't all over
the poster. Once your name is a draw then you use it several times.
I like both posters which isn't going to help you decide. The second
one is really mysterious. I don't know why that old cassette recorder
is attached to the tree and it makes me curious. The first one leads
me to an "alien in the woods" conclusion.
Would love a report on how the quality is and the name of the company. If you could post it here or PM me, it would be really appreciated.
Having not read the script or anything, the second poster is more visually pleasing to me. Although I don't think either would get me to watch the film, as they both say 'scary' to my mind and I don't do scary movies :/
Nice work, though![]()
The idea of crediting made-up names is pretty cool, actually. I'll probably be doing that a bunch... or maybe just where it concerns me, put it in one line.
I've already decided that Bernie Lawson is going to find his way into the credits of pretty much everything I do, from here on out.![]()
I really like the first poster. The second poster is nice (I love the shot of the mountains, but it seems kinda buried under everything else), but it doesn't make me want to run out and see the film. Something (if I didn't already know about the film), I might check out on Netflix if I didn't have anything else to see. The first poster makes me want to see the film, even taking out the fact that I already really, really want to!
I also do like the string of pictures for both the reason richy does, and Cracker doesn't. It LOOKS like it should be a bunch of faces you recognize....but you don't. I find that kinda funny.
The top poster rocks. As always, nice work Frank.
Not knowing the whole story and how much you want to reveal, my mind started to conjure images of claw marks in the tree bark or some sort of bloody or muddy handprint of sorts on the cassette player, as if some creature tried to get at it.
Then started to wonder about a poster below it or something to that effect. It's taped to the tree but all ripped and torn up; maybe it's a handwritten sign? Could be like a WARNING or PRIVATE PROPERTY sign that's clawed to pieces. Maybe it's a print out of the icon you designed?
Again, not knowing the whole story these ideas might not relate at all.
Just riffing!
Omitting the cast pics would be ideal.
Keep the icon somewhere.
Looking forward to seeing this one.![]()