Hickory Never Bleeds

I definitely think it's a good idea to submit to fests nearby, ones that you're more likely to be able to attend. If I remember correctly, Nashville Film Fest is pretty darn big, and they shouldn't be too far of a drive from you.

And from the bigger fests, I really think SXSW might dig the quirkiness of your film. Ditto that for Slamdance. I wouldn't know, cuz they both rejected me. :lol: But I think you've got enough of a chance that it wouldn't be wasted money.

Thanks for the encouragement. I submitted the film to SWSW and Slamdance. We'll see... :)

Wow. Congratulations, Frank! Great to see it going so well. =)

Thanks, Richy!
OMG I just love this film so much and I haven't even seen it! Only the trailers. Like how you're putting out another version, Frank. The more the merrier!

Can I order a DVD?

* btw- are you selling "Monster Defense Team" t-shirts? I'd love to have just the logo (from the DVD cover) on one. Cafe Press?
** maybe on the back the tagline? SOME OF US HAVE SEEN THINGS. in that title font. Just a thought. : )
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* btw- are you selling "Monster Defense Team" t-shirts? I'd love to have just the logo (from the DVD cover) on one. Cafe Press?
** maybe on the back the tagline? SOME OF US HAVE SEEN THINGS. in that title font. Just a thought. : )

Added to my wishlist too. And I love the t-shirt idea.
Thanks, guys! I have really appreciated your support/encouragement along the way.

I do indeed have t-shirts (though not exactly as you describe - those sound great!) Here's what they look like:

(Though if you're interested, just message me directly with your size... I'm running low and the shopping cart software (Fleapay), doesn't keep an inventory/count. So I'll have to check first.)
I realized I never did a follow-up post once the DVDs went live on Amazon! (Hope it's ok to include this link here.)

Hickory Never Bleeds - Available on DVD at Amazon.com

If you buy it and don't like it, just lemme know and I'll refund you! But if you're a fan of dry southern humor, you may dig it. At any rate, I'm always happy to hear what folks think about the film!

Thanks again for the encouragement along the way. (P.S. There's a shout-out/"thank you" to Indietalk.com in the credits.) :)
My review on Amazon here: :D :clap:


"Monsters, myth and militia collied at the crossroads in a battle of wits and grits in this Southern-fried comedy."

This review is from: Hickory Never Bleeds (DVD)

Monsters, myth and militia collied at the crossroads in a battle of wits and grits in HICKORY NEVER BLEEDS, a Southern-fried send-up that breathes new life and welcomed laughs into the mockumentary genre.

Filmmaker Frank Ladner, the mastermind of ceremonies behind this micro-budget indie gem, sends us on a backwoods road trip to what feels like forgotten territory tucked away somewhere between the reality TV's "Duck Dynasty" and a PBS special on UFO sightings, yet manages to avoid current trends that make most cable shows unwatchable.

The director, who has a keen eye for setting and mood, trades gimmicky editing and whiz-bang camera work in favor of lingering takes and artful cinematography. Good thing, too, because his local cast chew up scenes with hilarious one-liners and genuine performances, including Ladner himself; not only does he orchestrate the madness from behind the camera's lens, he joins the fun as a character in front of it, playing a loner crackpot of monster lore as well as delivering some of the movie's choicest chuckles. If you don't bust into giggles or at least crack a smile during a few of his ramblings, you might want to check your pulse. And I especially appreciate that some of the film's on-camera subjects are as crusty and creaky as the locations they inhabit. The real estate adage holds true here: location, location, location.

This brisk 79 minutes of lore, lunacy and smart storytelling are loaded with nutty neighbors, conspiracy kooks, loopy dog ladies, monster minutemen, scheming goat farmers, earthbound creature-huggers, and an ernest graphic artist impassioned to organize his fellow friends under the mother of all monikers. All of which are wrapped up nicely in a DVD that boasts packaging in keeping with the movie's low-key aesthetic, a simple yet spot-on menu, extras you'll be compelled to watch, and your very own slick "Monster Defense Team" sticker. Take that, you beasts!

For this viewer there was only one performance that felt out of place, which could be the result of miscasting, and my attention was stretched thin for what I'm guessing was only a few minutes tops. But those are microscopic dings in an otherwise flawlessly spit-shined project. Ladner and Co. should be proud of this bootlace-budget first feature effort HICKORY NEVER BLEEDS and I can only hope he and his posse have a successful festival run with it... and beyond!

HICKORY NEVER BLEEDS is a thoroughly enjoyable, entertaining and charming sketch of small-town citizens embracing their scrappy sensibilities and pulling together against all oddities.

For the filmmaker geek: image and audio are both firing on all pistons.

For the skeptic: if you're not a fan of the genre and talking heads, interviews, and B-roll with voiceover don't do much for you, there's a good chance you might be won over.

For the fan: Monster Defense Teams across the world... unite!

For the collector: a no-brainer must-have DVD. (but if you do have a brain, and know how use it, you'll purchase a copy and join the resistance!)
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