Hello My name..ehem Username Is Fish

Haha, that's the problem with a lot of docos, they only present one side of the story, which I suppose might be the intention, but it's not very informative.
I have my fingers crossed that you'll post it :p
I haven't even..called to get the interviews done.It officially starts in December.Right now i'm just planning.I'll be done maybe around January.It won't be my finest but it'll be fun to work on.
Hi, Fish!

Welcome to IndieTalk!

"Food, Inc." and "Food Matters" both came to mind as related documentaries I would suggest.

All the best with your work!

Are you this kind of fish?


Or this kind of fish?

Capitalism makes the world go round, the world go round, the world go round.

No, I believe that would be the curvature of space-time which makes the world go round. ;)

Welcome, Fish! And can I please advise you to never read Trek books. I understand the attitude of wanting to read the book first, but in the case of Trek, it all started with the TV shows. Go in chronological order if you must, but please don't read the books.