Harvey Weinstein fired from The Weinstein Co.

True mlesemann, Matt's not showing any sound bite training. Those few paragraphs of Matt's can give the impression that he's encouraging guilty people to deny, instead of him just making the observation that conditions right now make denying more favorable. I imagine a lot of people don't have the patience to read a whole article or watch a 16 min. video.

He could've said that because he's good friends with Ben Affleck, whose brother Casey could've been very regretful after 2 women who worked for him in 2010 said he sexually harassed them while he was drunk. I think I read that Matt, Ben, & the studio did everything they could to settle the suit & keep it quiet so it wouldn't hurt Casey's nomination for Manchester By The Sea. Matt's in a tough spot. He has to condemn the act even stronger to make things right in people's eyes. But then they can ask him about Casey.
How about this -
Just don't do it.
Why is that so hard?

Just don't assault people sexually? That's not a difficult thing for most people with a conscience.

But I think matts quote applies to ALL mistakes and you can't say "just don't make mistakes" because mistakes happen, people aren't perfect. Everytime trump was accused of stuff he would deny it and it made him bullet proof. If he came out and apologized he might not have been elected president, that's some truth to what matt is saying about our current climate.

If people were accepting of morgan spurlock and gave him credit for trying to be part of the solution that would send a message about personal integrity. Instead everyone has distanced themselves from him, he's lost his job, etc, because he was too honest about his past. At the same time though you have to judge people for their actions and it's not right to give someone a free pass just because they came clean about it. IDK if any of the information here is actionable for me but it's an interesting observation.
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Yes, being drunk makes more mistakes happen, but it doesn't lessen the harm he did to her. Psychological pain can last longer than physical pain. He's aware of that if he was sexually abused as a kid & suffered depression on & off since 13. He was continuing the cycle of abuse. In the long run maybe it's a good thing he came out. At some point in time I think people will be more forgiving. It just might take a long time.

It's interesting though how stuff like this, or N. Korea, or other big news captures public attention. It certainly takes my mind away from the new tax bill or net neutrality having ended.
It's interesting though how stuff like this, or N. Korea, or other big news captures public attention. It certainly takes my mind away from the new tax bill or net neutrality having ended.

Although we should stay away from politics: yeah, you got screwed by representatives of big money.

Nevertheless: the metoo discussion is a good thing as it helps us to create a better world.
How about this -
Just don't do it.
Why is that so hard?


Just be nice to each other and respect other people :)

Its a nice sentiment but keep in mind that humans are the number one predator on the entire planet. You've got to keep your guard up around strangers and that's never going to change.
Dave chapelle said he was done with comedy in his latest special because everyone gets offended at everything now. He can't make jokes anymore without hurting peoples feelings and receiving backlash.

Then he goes on to make jokes about the Harvey situation and OF COURSE.. backlash lol

“One lady said, ‘Louis C.K. masturbated in front of me, ruined my comedy dreams,'” he said. “Word? Well, then I dare say, madam, you may have never had a dream. Come on man, that’s a brittle spirit. That is a brittle-ass spirit, that is too much, this grown-ass woman.”
He added, “You think if Louis C.K. jerked off in front of Dr. [Martin Luther] King, he’d be like, ‘I can’t continue this movement? I’m sorry, but the freedom of black people must be stopped. I didn’t know this n—- was going to pull his dick out and jerk off like this. I thought we were going to get a couple of drinks and chill.’ Show business is just harder than that — them women sounded like, I hate to say it, they sounded weak. I know it sounds f—ed up and I’m not supposed to say that, but one of these ladies was like, ‘Louis C.K. was masturbating while I was on the phone with him.’ Bitch, you don’t know how to hang up the phone? How the hell are you going to survive in show business if this is an actual obstacle to your dreams?

He does have a point about how difficult the comedy world is, but saying this sort of thing marginalizes the impact that it had on the victim.

That being said - I think it's completely acceptable on a comedy stage. That might be controversial but it's the job of the comedian.
Funny because I hate kat Williams for condoning dog fighting with pitbulls in his act. Does that make me a hypocrite?

In his last Netflix special Dave Chapelle joked about, when dressed up as a woman, tricking a man into having sex with him.

I cringed and thought it was in really poor taste. I can see how he got negative feedback from that.
I also think he didn't say it out of hate or bigotry and a simple apology and everyone can move on!!!

Also he added that women need to be more accepting of imperfect allies.. I think that's a great point too.
If the only friends you want in this world have to be perfect then you're not going to have very many friends

He continued, “Because men want to help, they’re just scared. Ben Affleck tried to help. ‘Hey, what happened to these ladies is disgusting.’ ‘Oh, n—-, you grabbed a titty in ’95.’ ‘All right, fellas, I’m out. F— that, I ain’t helping.”
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Ya comedy is tough, it's so subjective.
Just from reading that, he's riding a fine line. I can see how it's offensive these days, but he does make sense in his own weird fucked up way. It's the sort of thing someone says when they're chilling, getting high with friends. And Dave is usually high. The problem is just as you said sfoster, most people don't understand how hard it is to do standup comedy as a career. If he had explained all the trials & rejections someone has to go through doing standup, maybe there'd be less people offended. I have to watch it myself to see how he did it.

You also have to think how many people are complaining. There may not be a lot, but they're just really vocal, & the media puts it out there because it's what gets them views right now.
yeah, you got screwed by representatives of big money. Nevertheless: the metoo discussion is a good thing as it helps us to create a better world.
I agree about metoo, WalterB. But my observation was actually more about how the media has been used historically to distract people from focusing on something that could make them rebellious. Like when the emperor entertained the Roman people with bread & circuses.
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OOOOOKAY this is going too far
Dan Harmon, showrunner of rick and morty, apologizes to former subordinate comedy writer


"I know we're not supposed to attack our allies, but seeing my former abuser go after HW is a real trigger. Hey, bud. I once told you I didn't feel comfortable working at your home, just us two, and you said, 'Relax, Ganz. I'm not gonna rape you,'" she wrote.

...and? Being an asshole of a boss has absolutely nothing to do with sexual abuse or Harvey
What is going on here? What a confusing article

"It took me years to believe in my talents again, to trust a boss when he complimented me and not cringe when he asked for my number. I was afraid to be enthusiastic, knowing it might be turned against me later," she wrote. "I want to watch the first episode of television I wrote again without remembering what came after. Figure out how to give me that relief and I'll return the favor."

Am I missing something?

Get in line if your boss hurt your feelings. Do you know how many millions of people have been used by companies then thrown out with the garbage? I've had my share of asshole bosses and I've been unjustly fired before but I don't go around playing a victim because of it.

We really are a culture of victims
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I agree about metoo, WalterB. But my observation was actually more about how the media has been used historically to distract people from focusing on something that could make them rebellious. Like when the emperor entertained the Roman people with bread & circuses.

Big money owns most media. (lol, makes me sound like anti mainstream media, but that is not the case. I like fact based news: most is still coming from the mainmstream.)
Rome understood: feed the people and entertain them to keep them happy.
Ironically enough that has slowly shifted to distraction with things that cause anger in an attempt to steal the bread during the distraction.

MeToo is not really a distraction: it is a real 'revolution' and I think it got so much momentum because decades of repressed anger and grief found a channel to release itself. At the same time: big things like this can take the spotlights away from other things that are important as well. So it can function as a distraction as well.
It is a complicated world we live in: it becomes seemingly harder to seperate hype from the really important things.
Yet I still stand with my former remark: everyone has the power to make the world a better place with freedom and safety for all (except the ones who take the freedom and safety from others). I try to live by 'do not hurt': a very simple 'rule' that surely can work when you see other people with empathy.
I guess MeToo has shown that power can erode empathy or that some people never had empathy to begin with.
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it's been scientifically proven that wealthy people are less empathetic

Haven't heard about that research.
Next question is: what causes what if there is a causality?

We are moving away from the topic I fear.
Let's get back on topic.

Here in The Netherlands a rapper is being boycotted by most stations after calling girls 'slutty whores' in a video. The girls gave him a ride to his gig on new years eve when he had a flat tire. I paraphrased his words as he used a foreign word that means that every single woman not sitting at home with her parents and dressed 'properly' is a slutty whore who deserves to be insulted in public and to be treated as an object for lust.
After the first outrage he posted an explainantion why he said it: 'they were wearing skirts and drinking alcohol in a club'.
That backfired even more, so he tried a lame excuse without the desired effect. At the moment he is calling everyone boycotting or addressing him a racist.
Difficult times.

I never listened to his music, so I don't have to boycot him, lol, but it shows how deep misogyny can be embedded in culture and thus seem totally normal to those people in such environments.
I don't remember where I first heard about it, but a quick google search lead me to time magazine

It's possible this lack of empathy contributes to predatory practices

Yeah you really shouldn't insult people that did you a favor, that's being a real ass.
Throwing in prejudice on top of it and sounds like the rapper is getting what he deserved.