Harvey Weinstein fired from The Weinstein Co.

Absolutely sfoster, I'd say lack of empathy contributes to predatory practices toward women & also business. Another reason for a powerful person being predatory is because a corporation's main goal is to increase their profits, every year. That's tremendous pressure on a board of directors who want to keep their high paying jobs. There comes a point when it must take so much advantage of human & natural resources that it damages those resources.

Exactly, WalterB. It's possible big money used the media to shift attention toward something equally as important so they can benefit.
When some see how money & power lets them do things other people can't, some start to believe they're better than others & deserve whatever they want. It's not always good people that become powerful. It's often the more aggressive ones who don't care about stepping on other people. And then you have the mentality of keeping women down that a lot of powerful older men still believe in.

But on the people's side, social media has incredible power. By spreading knowledge & affecting public opinion, it has made organizations take steps to address the problem instead of trying to hide it. Because they're motivated by money after all, & they need the public's approval.

I think it's okay to go off topic sometimes, we kind of enhance our observations by broadening the scope of the subject :)
It's not really off topic if we're talking about contributing factors.

New development with Louis CK .. he was a professional on good behavior for all his television shows

“As you all know, several months ago we ended our business relationship with Louis C.K. after he acknowledged that the sexual misconduct reported in the New York Times was accurate,” Landgraf says. “Our public statement at the time said that we would conduct a further investigation to determine if there was any misconduct on any of the five shows that Louis produced for FX. Having recently completed that investigation we did not find any issues, complaints or incidents of misconduct of any kind during the eight years we worked together.”

They took all his shows from him, pretty much everything, because he asked women that admired him for sexual experiences
Not even employees
I have to go back and read these old louis stories.. there must be some sort of employee/employer relationship on a different show or something that isn't related with fx.

EDIT: TBH not as interested in louis bc i don't regard his acts as monsterous.. i think he had power and temptation and went too far down a bad road over the years.
He can redeem himself.
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five women accusing james franco is back in the news.. this article has some ridiculous stuff in it though

Katie Ryan, who met Franco at Playhouse West and took several classes at Studio 4, said the actor "would always make everybody think there were possible roles on the table if we were to perform sexual acts or take off our shirts."
She said that for years, she received mass email requests from Franco to audition for roles playing "a prostitute or a hooker."

They're trying to paint a picture here of him being exploitative.. but his HBO show The Deuce is literally all about prostitutes/hookers that he stars in and has directed a couple of episodes. If these are the projects he's interested in there's nothing unprofessional about that.

People are trying to make money and sex sells.

Some of the other complaints seem to have merit, like removing plastic guard over vagina's before simulating oral sex
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Wow dave chapelle hit the nail on the head

He continued, “Because men want to help, they’re just scared. Ben Affleck tried to help. ‘Hey, what happened to these ladies is disgusting.’ ‘Oh, n—-, you grabbed a titty in ’95.’ ‘All right, fellas, I’m out. F— that, I ain’t helping.”

check out this new article about Aziz.. because he wore a times up pin and tried to support the end of WORKPLACE harassment, now this woman is putting him on blast over a bad date


I'm not saying his behavior is appropriate, in fact I don't even want to comment on his behavior at all. I just want to point out that as a man it's really really stupid now to support the Times Up movement.

How crazy - I literally cannot think of a more sexually appropriate scenario than coming home after a date and being alone in your place with them.
Nothing to do with workplace harassment, like, at all. And now he's put on blast for wearing a Times Up pin
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Aziz responds
""In September of last year, I met a woman at a party. We exchanged numbers. We texted back and forth and eventually went on a date. We went out to dinner, and afterwards we ended up engaging in sexual activity, which by all indications was completely consensual," "

The next day, I got a text from her saying that although 'it may have seemed okay,' upon further reflection, she felt uncomfortable. It was true that everything did seem okay to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned. I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to process what she had said."

"I continue to support the movement that is happening in our culture. It is necessary and long overdue"

that's great, very mature of him
I've had some time to contemplate my feelings on the Aziz and here's what it boils down to for me...
The woman he was with suffered no consequences from saying no, she was free to say no and leave, so she doesn't NEED our help. He wasn't wielding some existential power over her unlike some of these other victims who don't have the power to say no without life changing consequences.

Those women that can't say no need our help. Those are the situations we should be focusing on, the situations where we can make a difference.


It looks like we have our first JAIL SENTENCE courtesy of #metoo
Sentence to 40-175 years this former Olympic scumbag "doctor" deserves his punishment

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Damn :(

Jill Messick, Rose McGowan’s manager at time of alleged Harvey Weinstein rape, commits suicide


"In an email to Mr. Weinstein regarding the encounter, Jill Messick says the following, "When we met up the following day, she hesitantly told me of her own accord that during the meeting that night before she had gotten into a hot tub with Mr. Weinstein. She was very clear about the fact that getting into that hot tub was something that she did consensually and that in hindsight it was also something that she regretted having done,'" the statement read.

Ms. McGowan initially asked for about $25,000, enough money to cover her therapy; by the time she signed the settlement, the amount had been raised to $100,000. Both Ms. Woodward and Ms. McGowan were shocked when, only a few months afterward, Ms. Messick accepted a job working as vice president for development at Miramax, then run by Mr. Weinstein. Ms. Messick did not respond to a request for comment.


Messick's Family says
Jill was victimized by our new culture of unlimited information sharing and a willingness to accept statement as fact. The speed of disseminating information has carried mistruths about Jill as a person, which she was unable and unwilling to challenge. She became collateral damage in an already horrific story.
Jill believed in the Movement. She supported every woman finally coming forward to share their dark truths and expose those who had committed previously unspeakable deeds. She was loyal. She was strong. Jill was many things, but she was not a liar.
Over the past few months, many women have come out with allegations against Harvey Weinstein, including Rose McGowan, who has repeatedly spoken with the press, striking out against not only her alleged attacker, but a great many others. One of them was Jill, who chose to remain silent in the face of Rose’s slanderous statements against her for fear of undermining the many individuals who came forward in truth. She opted not to add to the feeding frenzy, allowing her name and her reputation to be sullied despite having done nothing wrong.
This Weinstein guy sounds like a real jerk!
Some are calling on people to boycott Tarantino's Charles Manson film cuz of QT’s remarks in 2003 on a Howard Stern radio show that Polanski’s rape of a 13 yr. old girl was consensual, they were dating, & she was into it.

Very troubling how Hollywood rallied around Polanski in 2009 when he flew to Switzerland to accept an award. The Swiss detained him in relation to the U.S. rape case, which he fled & was never sentenced for. French President Mitterand voiced support for him to be released. Mitterand suffered political backlash for it. Those older French guys seem to be more accepting of pedophilia.

It's very troubling to find some of these Hollywood people supporting Polanski then. "More than 100 people in the film industry, including Woody Allen, Martin Scorsese, Darren Aronofsky, and David Lynch, signed a petition in 2009 calling for Polanski's release. Harvey Weinstein also defended Polanski."
This Weinstein guy sounds like a real jerk!
Some are calling on people to boycott Tarantino's Charles Manson film cuz of QT’s remarks in 2003 on a Howard Stern radio show that Polanski’s rape of a 13 yr. old girl was consensual, they were dating, & she was into it.

I don't know the whole Polanski story but yeah it definitely seems best to just not even comment on this stuff.
AND YET here I go and i'm going to make a comment :lol:

Here are a couple girls being tried as adults for something they did at the age of 12. Pretty weird double standard isn't it, are they adults or not ?

The then-13 year old in question, Samantha says

"I'm not upset, but I would probably feel better if he realizes now that he was wrong, after 15 years, after hearing the facts. Nobody has to be pissed off on my behalf. I'm okay... It's not a big deal to me what people think. It doesn't make a difference in my life. I know what happened. I do not need other people weighing in on what it's like getting raped at 13."

tarantino now says

"I want to publicly apologize to Samantha Geimer for my cavalier remarks on The Howard Stern Show speculating about her and the crime that was committed against her. Fifteen years later, I realize how wrong I was. Ms. Geimer WAS raped by Roman Polanski. When Howard brought up Polanski, I incorrectly played devil's advocate in the debate for the sake of being provocative. I didn't take Ms. Geimer's feelings into consideration and for that I am truly sorry. So, Ms. Geimer, I was ignorant, and insensitive, and above all, incorrect. I am sorry Samantha."
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Looks like the most thanked men in Oscar history.


Tarantino's reaction comes at 2:02.

No one gets away with bad shit for that long without having a lot of virtues and great aspects of their personality.
If you're a total POS that no one likes, going around making enemies, you aren't going to get away with anything
Why was QT’s reaction noteable, peacemaker?
I’m guessing these actors were advised by their agencies to thank Winestain cuz there’s a lot of money, jobs, & careers on the line. That seems to be a big part of how powerful men get away with stuff.
These actors seem really grateful to him at these award shows, but they do act for a living.