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YouTube has viewing permission settings with passwords. Not sure on Vimeo and the others. You could also use your own website and create a password protected directory. Do a nice press kit, no ads, etc.
Vimeo as well. But you need a pro account. You can then choose to display your video on vimeo, password protect it, embed it only where you want without it appearing on vimeo and many other options.

EDIT: @Indietalk, Any plans for being able to embed vimeo vids on IT?
I don't know anything about that site but it sure appears shady. I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole. No email address contact from the site, some odd foreign address listed on the who is, a long alias email address.

Just use sendbigfile.com or other site that allows you to send big files.
Vimeo as well. But you need a pro account. You can then choose to display your video on vimeo, password protect it, embed it only where you want without it appearing on vimeo and many other options.

Anyone can password protect the VIMEO videos, even without the PRO account.

I didn't think you could password protect on YOUTUBE, but you can do "unlisted" which means only people with the link can see it.
Anyone can password protect the VIMEO videos, even without the PRO account.

I didn't think you could password protect on YOUTUBE, but you can do "unlisted" which means only people with the link can see it.

My bad. I have a Pro/Plus account and didn't remember correctly. Then, i think just the last bit is only available for plus members; the option to embed it elsewhere without it appearing on vimeo.