The right approach is before others will invest in you, you must first invest in yourself. Make each new production better than your last. Learn from your mistakes in past productions and keep your eyes on the prize. Work with team players and cut the solo artists away. A good production is a team effort.
I have a film making business. And, I intend to make it go from red to black. A good half the battle of making a film is knowing where to take it to find a market. Find out where the money is. As the Secret Service says, "follow the money."
Some filmmaking projects are jobs (like this trombone band recital next weekend) and some are hobbies (like my latest short film that shoots the day after the trombone band recital gig).
I'm a student (no longer of filmmaking) so this is still a hobby.
Film writing (more criticism and articles than screenplays) is kind of a job now that I'm doing bits and pieces of freelance stuff and am monetizing my website. I guess that's not what you're asking though!
I figure if you aren't making money at it, it's a hobby.
I don't know. I've made a little (really little) money off some of my projects, but not nearly enough to say I'm making a living at it. Once I can take an aspect of video and get back to making a living out of it, I'll be a happy camper. At least I have a bit of a reel I can show around. Hopefully that will help.
An interest and a passion but definitely a hobby for now. I'm only really taking my first steps into actually turning my dreams of filmmaking into realities (first cameras in the post right now )
Hopefully one day I can turn it into my day job, make it in the industry and fulfil all those filmmaking dreams, but for now I just need to focus on learning the trade.
I guess you'd say independent (I'm on the music end of things; maybe freelance might be a better term), though the hours I put in are more than a part time job would be. I do work a full time day job as well, or I'd be putting more in.