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watch Experimental Space Scene

I love the use of practical and tangible effects. They always look better than computer generated effects in my opinion. So, I set out to try and experiment with practical effects. I've been physically writing my space opus since January of 2010. And it's been in my head for years before that. Now I'm slowly bringing the idea and script to reality. Hope you enjoy this experimental piece.

As always, thank you for your time!

Okay, honest reaction:

It doesn't look like space. It looks like a lava-lamp.

Nevertheless, here's my honest prediction, and I do mean this:

Based on our few online interactions, and based on the work I've seen you create, not only do I see this movie coming to fruition, but I predict there will be a large audience for it. Your creativity, combined with the amount of attention you pay to meticulous detail, I do believe you can take the festivals by storm, and perhaps gain national distribution. I'm looking forward to watching this project develop.
I'm groovin' on it.

Btw, Directorik posted a neat set of links to Slit Scan techniques recently - the effects from the stargate in 2001
Cracker - Thank you for the feedback.

I agree, It doesn't look like space. Things are moving way too fast for my liking and multiple orbs wouldn't act and react like that in a space setting.

I did however find out that I truly do enjoy the real, practical and organic special effects that are able to be created in a household. I also walked away with a couple learning experiences. By isolating only ONE of these orbs and slowing the footage down with a third party application like twixtor, I can achieve a very passable planet sequence. So the experiment was a huge win in my opinion!

As for the kind words of encouragement, I thank you. I will say it again. I thank you! Words of encouragement and support help me to keep pushing on and I really appreciate that.

I will definitely keep all looped in on the process of this film. This will definitely take a long time to make since I'm a one man crew doing everything from scratch. :)

http://whatisthecapsule.com is the landing page for the site if you're into bookmarking websites.

Zen - Thank you much for thinking it's groovy! I will definitely check out Dirick's post on that slit screen technique. Thanks for pointing that out.
Missed this one...

Opus, I'm a big fan of practical FX, too! (probably because I don't own AE or have ever used it) But one of my loves in college was an avant-garde film class.

I liked this clip, but I'd vote for pushing it more and keep experimenting. See how far out you can go!
Also Zen, do you mind posting a link to the thread for the slit scan technique. Tried doing a search and tried looking through Riks old posts and had no luck... Thanks!
Flicker - Thank you much for taking the time to check out the clip. I agree, definitely want to keep pushing myself to see what else I can accomplish.

I'm sure I would have enjoyed that film class as well. What school?

Paper - Thank you for being honest. Means a lot. Posting this, I didn't really think this would connect with anyone that watches it. There is no set up, no basis, no foundation. It's just blob like orbs floating around a void. So I can see where there definitely is a lack of connection.

I think the lack of connection that it has with me makes me connect even more with it, personally. One thing I enjoy in life is the unknown. The subtle mysteries that just leave me scratching my head. I dunno. I'm rambling.

Anyways, thanks for watching and for the comments, all!
I lvoed it on its own.. not spacy, more more inner spacy for me.. i think your close though... kinda inspiring.. do you mind sharing a bit about the technique?
Oh I liked it. Sure, it's not so spacey yet, maybe. Maybe. Though...it could be some weird and far flung part of space that looks lava lampy. So there. Love the music, too. That's one of the great and wonderful powers of film --combining visuals with music and sound. That did help me to sort of connect with this experimental short. Hope to see lots more of your space opus.
I like it. And it does feel more like inner space in a organic sort of way.

The music killed it for me. Not cause I don't like it but because of this........


If you don't get what's going on, just watch World of Warcraft Nerd 1.:)
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Looks good to me.

As PTP pointed out there's not really anything to connect with but I guess that's why it's an experiment.

Looks better than Green Lantern by the way...