Buddy Greenfield Oct 12, 2010 #81 The Snorks ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuCq0aZiPT0 Stab in the dark. -Thanks-
U Utopia Oct 12, 2010 #82 lol well at :38 it looks similar to that guy but I remember them looking more like Gonzo and living above water.
lol well at :38 it looks similar to that guy but I remember them looking more like Gonzo and living above water.
insert_cliche_here Oct 12, 2010 #83 Dot and the kangaroo was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid! Don't you dare speak against Dot!
Dot and the kangaroo was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid! Don't you dare speak against Dot!
Buddy Greenfield Oct 12, 2010 #85 What year was it from? Not Widget the world watcher, right? -Thanks-
U Utopia Oct 12, 2010 #86 Nahhh. Try 90-95. I distinctly remember 2 characters with similar noses, and it having to do with a river, and a ship type thing, and they almost went over a waterfall or something.
Nahhh. Try 90-95. I distinctly remember 2 characters with similar noses, and it having to do with a river, and a ship type thing, and they almost went over a waterfall or something.