Every movie I've seen this year.

LOL that is WILD!

Why didn't they just go the whole 9 yards and name it "Transphormers" instead of "Transmorphers". lol....
LOL that is WILD!

Why didn't they just go the whole 9 yards and name it "Transphormers" instead of "Transmorphers". lol....

Yeah they released it right about the same time as Transformers. Trying to capitolize on the official release I think. You know how they make this similar titled movies and relase them direct to DVD via Blockbuster. I got it out of curiousity. It was pretty bad with the ADR off so bad. But the CGI was pretty cool. It had one good actor and the rest were pretty bad. One of those risky movies I decided to watch just for the heck of it. I am sure it was a real low budget film. Pretty bad film considering all the mess ups. I guess they were hoping to have people confused thinking it was Transformers or something and get rentals.

Here is a review that shows how bad it was... except you are not shown the ADR off and how crappy the acting was. (the review is not done by me but pretty much sums up a lot of it) Ha... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blkUc_OWM2Y&feature=related
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I watch movies on a hunch like that all the time! Last one was the 3rd Starship Troopers movie.

It says they spent 300K on Transmorphers on Wikipedia.

I'm sure if you were given 300K you could probably make a much better movie!

I wonder if they did that just because they thought people would grab the wrong movie because they were actually looking for Transformers - like a younger kid grabbing it and the mom not noticing.
I watch movies on a hunch like that all the time! Last one was the 3rd Starship Troopers movie.

It says they spent 300K on Transmorphers on Wikipedia.

I'm sure if you were given 300K you could probably make a much better movie!

I wonder if they did that just because they thought people would grab the wrong movie because they were actually looking for Transformers - like a younger kid grabbing it and the mom not noticing.

Yeah I think that is what they did. They released Transmorphers 2 right at the same time Transformers 2 came out on DVD too.
I'm also emotionally attached to Clash of the Titans, so I would give it a higher score than Cracker Funk did.

I am from the generation of kids that when we were off for summer, the only thing on TV was the original Clash of the Titans being re-ran on the Sci Fi channel. It played almost every other day, I swear. So, like an Eminem or Katy Perry song, I was forced to love it after being spoon-fed it 1,000 times.
I'm also emotionally attached to Clash of the Titans, so I would give it a higher score than Cracker Funk did.

I am from the generation of kids that when we were off for summer, the only thing on TV was the original Clash of the Titans being re-ran on the Sci Fi channel. It played almost every other day, I swear. So, like an Eminem or Katy Perry song, I was forced to love it after being spoon-fed it 1,000 times.

I liked Clash of Titans too but I did think it could have been better. The original movie was better. They did not have the mechanical owl helping him like in the original movie. That was a disappointment.
Did you notice the cold diss they gave the owl in the beginning? I almost cried... The owl was one of the best parts!!!
Cracker, this is a fun post. I, too, keep track of the movies I watch in a spreadsheet. UNLIKE you, I do not get the the theater much, so mine come from DVDs, cable, OnDemand, etc.

From what I can tell, all of your grades are dead on ... in your opinion.
Nooo! You watched The Human Centipede? That movie looks messed up. After seeing the preview, I probably couldn't even sit through the entire thing. I hate those kinds of horror movies. And why didn't Daybreakers get an F? That movie sucked! There was no part of that movie that I enjoyed.
Actually, I liked the futuristic, vampire oriented society of DAYBREAKERS, from their cars with sunshields to the 50's style drink stands.
The Human Centipede...

Was it good? Really?

As in "taste," no. But, it was well made and realized. Dieter Laser, as the doctor, was perfect. The Japanese actor was good, too.

If you like what you see in the TRAILER, then you will probably like the movie.

We all have different tastes. For example, I hated that "R2D2 rip-off" of an owl, in the original CLASH OF THE TITANS, just like B.O.B., in THE BLACK HOLE, or those stupid mini-cars in TRANSFORMERS 2. (You see something repeated too many times and....) I was laughing out loud, when they dissed it in the remake. :lol:

I just saw the trailer and it looks, well, targeted at a specific audience that I'm not a part of...

Cracker Funk and I have similar tastes in movies - I'll take the F he gave it seriously :)