I cannot expand on the game plan yet, yet being the operative word. We are still researching to make sure that we are not going to be leading ourselves and others on a quest for a golden egg that doesn't exist.
I do not mean to add mystery to anything about this, but obviously as with anything, doing ones homework is crucial, as is bringing others in on the conversation so that they to can give their thoughts and tell us what they see as potential hurdles. This second part is something we intend to be able to do soon (giving a better time frame is being purposely avoided here to prevent mucking people around if our preliminaries take longer then expected)
The reason I make mention of this before that stage is complete is to see who would be interested in having that conversation when the time comes. It is good after all to know who will be available for that conversation before we set a date to have it.
You have piqued my curiosity.