
DAMMIT never mind... just mixed him up with Morrisey lol!

They are both vegans but Moby would still enter the store if it sold meat, lol.
i was listening to some old eminim and he said

And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie
You thirty six year old bald headed f**, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let it go its over
Nobody listens to Techno
damnit em youre getting personal calling someone younger than me old
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im staying my parents guest house right now since i was supposed to be moving to CA and all my plans got screwed up
trying to be careful and not get them sick. drove an extra 10 minutes to try a further grocery store than usual bc its an out of the way area and has smaller population. needed some meds for my dog. two different employees on opposite sides of the store with no masks on. fucking grocery store employees.

Now i just have to laugh lol. laughing is all that is left to do.

this lockdown is truly pointless and ineffective. it hasnt slowed down AT ALL in months here. no slow down at all. we quarantine the young and then everyone in the nursing homes die. wtf!!!! and covid lasts inside in the air for hours, people are walking into stores and taking the masks off as soon as theyre inside. if you go grtocery shopping youre exposed.

in positive news i think the average age of someone that dies from covid is the same age as the average life expectancy... soo... it doesnt sound so scary when you put it like that

also i dont think i will take a covid vaccine if they have one..

you read about things like what happened with the swine flu and the govt inoculation ended up giving 10% of people a neurological disorder. yeah that sounds worse than a mild cold for two weeks and given how stupid ive seen people demonstrate themselves to be lately.. i am in no rush to trust a random untested medicine or vaccine that was developed by more stupid people if i dont have to .
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this lockdown is truly pointless and ineffective. it hasnt slowed down AT ALL in months here.
This is one of those things that are hard to quantify - it's quite possible that sans lockdown, the growth would have been much faster and much higher. Certainly here in Australia the lockdown has worked very well - as it has across the ditch in New Zealand. NZ has effectively eradicated COVID and we are not too far from it (depending what happens once the agitators get their way and society starts to open up again). Both countries acted very quickly and decisively though.

that sounds worse than a mild cold for two weeks
The thing I've found difficult to come at is this virus is so new and we know so little about it - so the accepted 'wisdom' of two months ago that it is generally mild for people who aren't old or have severe underlying comorbidities is being challenged, new mutations are appearing and whilst the majority of young people are fine, it's difficult to know exactly how it's going to affect you. Plenty of unexplained sever complications in younger people are appearing with either underlying conditions that were previously unknown, or complications in otherwise healthy people that may or may not have something to do with their genetic makeup. We don't even know if contracting it gives you any immunity, nor whether a vaccine is possible - given there have not yet been any successful vaccines for SARS type viruses.

This all makes me... cautious, despite being young and therefore far more likely to get through it okay.
This is one of those things that are hard to quantify - it's quite possible that sans lockdown, the growth would have been much faster and much higher. Certainly here in Australia the lockdown has worked very well - as it has across the ditch in New Zealand. NZ has effectively eradicated COVID and we are not too far from it (depending what happens once the agitators get their way and society starts to open up again). Both countries acted very quickly and decisively though.

The thing I've found difficult to come at is this virus is so new and we know so little about it - so the accepted 'wisdom' of two months ago that it is generally mild for people who aren't old or have severe underlying comorbidities is being challenged, new mutations are appearing and whilst the majority of young people are fine, it's difficult to know exactly how it's going to affect you. Plenty of unexplained sever complications in younger people are appearing with either underlying conditions that were previously unknown, or complications in otherwise healthy people that may or may not have something to do with their genetic makeup. We don't even know if contracting it gives you any immunity, nor whether a vaccine is possible - given there have not yet been any successful vaccines for SARS type viruses.

This all makes me... cautious, despite being young and therefore far more likely to get through it okay.

I've also heard that its been in the USA since december and that there could be like 10-20x more people infected than they even thought. hardly sounds like the danger its been made out to be if thats true.

Who knows... yeah it doesnt hurt to be careful, i dont want kidney damage, etc and I dont think that we should be going to massive indoor nightclubs..

but why in the hell did i spend my birthday stuck alone inside?
why did my niece turn 13 and i wasnt even allowed to go see her on her birthday ???

thats illegal and i go grocery shopping and there are hundreds of people. there are employees without masks.
its absurd that its the law that i have to stay at home given these circumstances

I decided I am going to CA and going to the beach this summer. gonna spend the next 2 months prepping.
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NYC probably has herd immunity at this point. And i think everyone fled NYC and seeded more hotspots across the rest of the country.

Do you guys know of Wim Hof? They injected him with influenza in a lab and he didnt get sick because he has strengthened his immune system so significantly through his method. The Wim Hof method. You have to submerge yourself in ice cold water for 2-3 minutes straight. Sounds really painful but I want to try.... I dont know if I will try but I want to.

Supposedly it could fix the arthritis in my knees and grant me safe harbor from covid-19
My back has been absolutely killing me and with covid stuff relaxing i finally went and saw a dr monday. then I got an mri today.
Nice and fast. its great i didnt wait any longer. they said i have something called foraminal stenosis in 3 disks that causes paralysis if left untreated

sweet. paralysis from the neck down. its also painful enough to qualify for disability (ugh) but can hopefully be treated with shots to the spine (fun fun). if that fails hopefully treated with surgery to the spine. people put off going to the dr for stuff like this it's going to have very dire consequences.

idk how i feel about the diagnosis. my back has been crippled for like two years now and its good that maybe i can finally be treated.
Seeing the spine specialist on thursday to discuss my specifics.

Oh the dr on monday also said i should probably see a rheumatologist and get medication if i have an underlying condition for all these health problems i keep facing. I said i saw one in december, all they did was tell me i have arthritis and sent me on my way. the dr got this horrified look on her face. yup. thats modern medicine.
Herd immunity requires 70-80% of the population either having had a vaccine or the disease. NYC's infection rate is estimated at about 5%.
So not even close.

Sorry to hear about your back - hope they can find something to help it.
oh jesus all i want to do is go surfing in CA

I'm sure it was a great white... Santa Cruz and the area are full of them. My brother and I used to go spear fishing in the same general area always making sure to leave about 20 feet of line behind us with the string of fish. One day he and I were done fishing and we were swimming to shore and he got YANKED backward. I turned around and saw a great while running off with his string of fish. The shark had been slowly stalking us for who knows how long.

But Southern California is not nearly as bad... Although, for some reason? Young adult great whites frequent the ocean near Venice and Santa Monica especially toward the end of summer and fall. So be forewarned.

The only problem with surfing and great whites? They like to come up toward the surface from the lower depths especially when they see something that resembles food... Like a seal. I'm sure there are images in Google Images where you can see comparison images of both a surfer and a seal on the surface from those lower depths.

I've seen great whites underwater and they've never even given me a second look... But you can't trust'em. LOL. You've gotta stay FROSTY.
I drove north along the California coast last weekend to visit my Dad.
There is a big, locals-only surf spot a few miles south of Santa Barbara
(the Beach Boys mention it in Surfin' Safari) and it was packed.

Even in lockdownCalifornia people are going out.
Corona virus deaths.jpg
This whole thing has been overblown.
While there is a part of me that believes that? Everything where I live is still shut down. Even the places I used to frequent and can actually reopen to 50% capacity? Are not reopening... Yet.

So to me? Since I know NOTHING 100%? When I do go out? I take my trusty mask with me and wear it... Just in case.
Took my needle to the spine today! Oh man i was pretty giddy during the whole experience. Lets fix this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dr remarked that she would have an easy job if all of her patient were so relaxed and tolerant

For real I took an ice cold shower a couple weeks ago and it was 5x worse than the spine needle. those cold showers are rough.