Contest Idea

Hey everyone,

I was thinking that it would be great fun to have a color grading competition of some sort. To make it most accessable we could work on stills from video. Maybe have a new still posted every week and see what sort of things people can come up with? It's not really something that lends itself to easy interpretation of which is better... maybe if a still and a theme were chosen. Say, picture of a kid in a costume and the theme is "fear" etc. Would anyone be interested in this sort of thing? It would provide a way for all of us to 1) enhance and practice color grading, 2) get some good (helpful) criticism and 3) learn new techniques. We could even have the winner (optionally) write up what they specifically did to get the winning effect. Good idea, bad idea?
That's an interesting idea, Mr Shaw.

Maybe a "Change the mood of this..." theme.

I'd submit something for it, though it would likely be more along the lines of silly photoshoppery.

Post a still and try the idea out.
Zensteve said:
That's an interesting idea, Mr Shaw.

Maybe a "Change the mood of this..." theme.

I'd submit something for it, though it would likely be more along the lines of silly photoshoppery.

Post a still and try the idea out.


And you do such great work with MS PAINT! :mope:

I'll post something. I'm all about trying new things.. After seeing Poke's entry, I like the idea of color and how it sets the mood. I just saw "O Brother where art thou" again and really took notice of the coloring. Very interesting.
I'm for it!
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Yeah, I don't know if you checked out the special features on the "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" DVD but they go all into how they do the color correction. I think it's funny... The movie was made in late 1999 and they have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment and I can do the identical thing in FCP. I guess that if you have a big budget, you should go ahead and buy whatever you can get your hands on. Another funny thing is that the DP was commenting on the future of cinematography and he conveniently left out everything about shooting digitally. He said that he thought that the movie business will only get as digital as converting film to digital in post. Video is beginning to look more and more like film.

Oh, by the way, I'd be up for this little contest. There are some great color correction utilities in FCP 4.5...

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Lefteye said:
Oh, by the way, I'd be up for this little contest. There are some great color correction utilities in FCP 4.5

I will more likely use Combustion to do my entry... Yes I can use PhotoShop, BUT whis is a video forum and want to use my Video tools... PLUS it's more practice. :D
Go ahead and post the still Shaw ... Don't know if we can really do it so much as a contest, but it will be a fun experience.

Great, sounds like it will be great fun :). I agree Poke - kind of hard to do this as a contest but fun as experience at least and feedback is always great stuff!

I've posted two stills. Feel free to work on one or both. For the actual "feel".... any ideas?

Image 1
Image 2

NOTE: These are uncompressed TIFF files. Right click and "save as."

EDIT: Changed the second link. Sorry about that!
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How about we leave this one open for individual interpretation? That sound like an ok idea?

And lets end this first one Friday 5th. Sound ok?
Shaw said:
Friday 5th.

Perfecto. Short and sweet.

One problem though ... for some reason I can not download the files. Maybe if you posted them as jpgs for easier accessability ...

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I'm in.

No doubt I'll do something silly...

...but as I'm not really quite sure how the colouring works, I'll be looking forward to learning a lot.


There are a few flicks that come to mind, where the colour is most important in the telling of the tale.

"Moulin Rouge" is one of my favourites.

Let's learn about colour!!
Great :)

Thanks for the complement Will. They're both from my latest work.

Sorry about not getting those JPGs up for you poke. Indietalk was inaccessable to me last night for some reason. Anyone else have this problem?

You might notice that the aspect ratio is a bit strange. Somewhere around 1.73. That's what happens when you try to design your own lens, heh.
Shaw said:
Indietalk was inaccessable to me last night for some reason. Anyone else have this problem?

It's been running really slow for me lately. what's the main point of this contest? Is it to color correct the best, or to just be creative with color?
Is it to color correct the best, or to just be creative with color?

Good question. It's rather hard to judge who did the best job (which is rather subjective) so I'm thinking that either way would be fine. It's less of a contest and more of an exploration really (for now at least until we see how this first one turns out).