archived-videos Boulevard Beer

That's pretty darn good, Logan.

Imo, the only text needed on that would be the fine print bits. ("Please drink responsibly", etc)

Local micro-brewery?
They produce too much beer to be considered a "Micro-Brewery" They are "classified" as a Regional Specialty Brewer.

Boulevard Beers are made in Kansas City and are sold in Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Dakota South Dakota, Wyoming, Minnesota and Illinois only.

If you ever visit that area of the midwest...definitely order a Boulevard...seriously. It's my favorite beer. The only thing that sucks is they don't sell it in Texas, and don't plan to...DAMN!

Thanks for the compliments on the ad. I made it on my own as a demo and will show it to the brewer to see if they want to use it or whatever...
Wow! Such positive feedback :D

Just goes to show that simple can be beautiful. I actually had this idea, shot it, and edited it in one day. One thing I've learned on my filmmaking journey is that the simpler your idea is, the better your film can turn out ...which sucks in some ways, haha

Thanks guys...any criticizms?
The only thing I can think of, is that the location (your kitchen I presume) doesn't look "quality" enough. A fine beer deserves a fine kitchen.
I'm not trying to desecrate your kitchen's reputation or anything, but perhaps stainless steel and shiny expensive stuff would be a better home for the brew of choice.
It was damn good though- not much to say in any other aspect.

haha...that's a good point. I actually see a lot of flaws, but never thought of that. Yeah, when I shot it, I thought my friend's kitchen was ideal because it was pure white, like the border...but now I see the problem with that.
It was a pretty cool spot. I like it. Very mellow.

LOGAN L Prod said:
Thanks guys...any criticizms?

Since you asked....

I had to watch it a few times to get that the bottle was coming out of a trash can. I couldn't tell what the big black thing was at first. I guess that's an Art Direction thing.

The bottle open shot seemed to linger a bit long at the end. Seemed odd to me. I did think the whole spot was paced ok, but I think you could've squeezed one more shot in it without it feeling too rushed or break it's laid back attitude. Maybe a shot in reverse of the beer being pored into a frosty mug? Or a bottle cap spinning on the floor, only to jump up towards the bottle?

There's a word I can't understand "_____ hops" . It's said on the bottle cap shot. I can't hear it clearly because the bottle cap sound.

The song sounded clipped at the very very end of the spot.

Other than that, it's pretty slick.