best one liners

I really like the line from State & Main,
just after Alec Baldwin flips his car and takes out the new stoplight...

"So that happened"
mine isnt funny its off pitch black where riddick says " your not afraid of the dark are you" classic
I can only recall from the past few weeks.... lol.

"That is my tooth! Why do you have that?!"
So many to choose from. Pick practically any line from Aliens.

The cartoon Frisky Dingo has some decent one-liners, though it's the awkward pauses that really work for them.

"You know, I've had it with you and your snooty foreshadowing."

"Apparently, it's been here the whole time." (funnier in context).

And there's always,

"What're you waiting for Tommy? Ze Germans?"
"Mister, this ain't Dodge City and you ain't Bill Hickock"
Quigley Down Under.
I probably like it because I live near Deadwood. I always use it when somebody is doing something they have no business doing.
I always liked Evil Dead Army of Darkness silly one liners "Good, bad... I'm the guy with the gun"

Or in The Heist, I loved the dialog between Danny de Vitto and Gene Hackman
- Can I say at least my last words?
- You just said them

And from Woody Allen "In this house I'm the boss, your mother is just the decision maker"

And from Groucho Marx in a night at the Opera "I saw her first. Of course, her mother really saw her first but there's no point in bringing the Civil War into this. "

And my list is endless.
One of my favourites from the movie Tombstone. When Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer) is told he's probably so drunk, he's seeing double:

"I have two guns. One for each of you."

Or, from Thunderheart (another Val Kilmer flick), when Walter Crow Horse (Graham Greene) is showing Ray Levoi how much info he can get from a footprint:

Levoi: "You going to tell me how much change he had in his pockets."

Crow Horse (with a "Well, duh!" expression): "63 cents."
We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them. - the virgin suicides
Whats the matter Colonel Sanders?... Chicken? ----- Space Balls

Stick around ---- Predator (After Arnold throws a knife at a Guerilla and he get stuck to a wall.)