Sorry for the essay I'm writing but I saw the initial riot a little differently and I was an eyewitness. I was in Tottenham on the day of the shooting and want to mention what I personally witnessed. In fact, I was there for all three deaths within 100m of each other - 28th July just in front of Broad Lane, the following week (the motorcyclist in Broad Lane) and Duggan, just off Broad Lane down the road from the Ferry Boat pub. As an idea, I had a lunch in the Ferry Boat Inn two days after the shooting, the day of the fire.
On the day itself, it started with what I think were the Broadwater Farm guys coming down. The reason I think they were Broadwater Farm was because they didn't look or act like locals - they worked in groups - as gangs - organised, not just the usual petty crims. They were able to escalate because they went unchallenged by the old bill who were slow to realise they were dealing with hard crims out to cause real damage. If they'd known they would probably have reacted differently.
Just so you get an idea, I'm a big, big guy. Broad shouldered, ex-rugby player, ex-heavyweight kickboxer and boxer. Stuff that should scare me just p!sses me off (although I'm cuddly really). However, even for me, I found these guys were seriously scary, not like the local Tottenham crims who are opportunist thieves, disorganised crime and quite 'lightweight'. They're cocky but they'll back down and are nothing like the crims present on that Friday who looked heavyweight and frankly gave me and my colleague the impression they were out to cause as much trouble as possible.
Again, this was something I saw myself and maybe my observations were wrong. Different interpretations in stressful situations are inevitable. However, my opinion was the ringleaders were organised, highly aggressive - really aggressive, hard core criminals and were out to cause as much damage as the police would let them.
However, I want to say I am delighted the situation in London has calmed. With 16,000 rozzers on the streets of London with an order from the PM to get stuck in, the crims will lie low in London as they don't want to get hit over the head by batons. The Smoke is safe once again.