I still shoot film occasionally. I own two 16mm and five super8 cameras.
Regular 16mm is cool... ULTRA 16mm is punk rock.... I have Kinor 16 and I filed the gate to make it wide screen. Ultra 16 is so close to Super 16 that you can't tell the difference.... 1. Get a cheap Regular 16mm on Ebay and file the gate to make it ultra (DO IT YOURSELF CAREFULLY, SUPER FINE SAND PAPER, LEATHER etc... LEARN HOW). 2. Storyboard, Previs movie. 3. Rehearse/Shoot on digital, edit to check flow. 4. Re-shoot on film ONE TAKE. 5. Ship film to Cinelab to develop and transfer film to hard drive... 6. Edit your amazing film production that makes you buzz inside....... Pay as you go. Real movie making is better than film school.35mm? 16mm? 8mm?