Anatomy of a Troll

I have been working for 3 years now on a feature length documentary about when an internet troll came to St. Joseph Missouri. My own history with this troll began here on

The video above is not from the documentary proper but is more of a mini-doc update on some of what has been happening recently with the guy, who I just spent months with in court for a Civil Stalking Protection Order I filed against him. There are currently criminal charges filed against him and warrants for his arrest (misdemeanor, so no extradition).

It is a wild tale that I hope is as compelling for you as it has been for myself and his other victims.
Upvote 4
Tubi caved to the troll even though they said they wouldn't.
I've already sent a complaint to Tubi via their "contact us" function, and several other people have as well.

It REALLY pisses me off, although I'm sure Sonnyboo is madder than I am.

I'm depressed. Really depressed.

Tubi has removed the documentary. Contact Tubi here - and tell them that you want to see Social Media Monster and that the distributor did not remove the film. Tell Tubi that it's a sad day when an abuser can so effectively silence the voice of his victims and targets.
Five years on this project? I'd be depressed too, that is a rough blow.
Reminds me of what happened to 'The Interview' being canceled by north korea, except there's no Obama to come to your rescue.