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watch "All The Jacks" My 48 Hour Film Project from a few months back

Never got around to a reedit or fix of the issues.. Here is what was submitted, warts and all.

I produced, directed one shot, did the titles and ending credit sequence, and the one visual effect.

It was a wonderful experience and I made some great contacts and new friends. I will do it again I think.


Required Items:
character: Pete Peterson, Artist
prop: Pistachio nuts
line of dialogue: "I have a surprise for you"

The main camera was a Panasonic hmc150 and my letus extreme.
Brilliant, Wheat!

My only offering, is a slight critique on the fluidity and continuity at the beginning. -Do note this is only after numerous viewings.

The tracking shots arrived perfectly, but where short-lived. I was pleading for them to continue, for us to enter with the female character, and the surroundings to be presented within that context.

However, this is outstanding given the circumstance.

You should be proud of this, Wheat.
Sweet. Nice work. I definitely think you should do it again, except I think you need to take a bigger role on the set. Next year, you should be producer in getting it all organized, but hire an assistant producer who will do all the producer stuff during that weekend, so that you can be freed up to direct/edit.
5:17 to 5:47 is a really weird edit. It's been buggin' me all day, trying to figure out the best way to have done that. Simaltaneous conversations from two parties, both in frame with each other. Meh.

Pretty solid all the way through, though. Really liked the white-shirt cowboy.

Good stuff. :cool:
5:17 to 5:47 is a really weird edit. It's been buggin' me all day, trying to figure out the best way to have done that. Simaltaneous conversations from two parties, both in frame with each other. Meh.

Pretty solid all the way through, though. Really liked the white-shirt cowboy.

Good stuff. :cool:

Yeah, I definitely saw some stuff that bugged me with the edit (but mostly with how it was shot), but chose not to comment since it wasn't wheatgrinder's work. I also am not a big fan of the swipes, etc. I think wheat would have a much stronger product if he chose to do it himself, next time.
I liked it, but it also felt more like it was the end of something larger rather than a stand alone short. (Which I also see as a good thing in a certain light.)

What I think could have been better was the character to story use.

It’s a Western/Card Game set-up, to me ideally the “Good guy” should be out numbered and outgunned (visually have the cards stacked against him), and the situation should be hopeless, like the “Bad Guy” holds a note of controlling interest against borrowed start up capital on the ranch or whatever it is, and they go double or nothing with the Bad Guy trying to impress his chick by telling the Good Guy “If you lose, I’ll even let you off the hook for what you owe me.” Then Good Guy loses and is thrown off the property just as the “Revenuer” arrives. I would have used the Good Guy and his “But daddy you cain’t!” daughter and the rest as the Bad Guy’s Stooges.
