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40 DP's at once!

Interesting thing happened on the way to the forum ..

Via crackbook, a DP I helped with lighting a few months back asked me if I wanted to join him for a DP party\music video shoot that some other DP is setting up for a music video shoot.

Its sound like a blast and I am having fun guessing what the MASTER DP is trying to pull off.

From an email the master DP sent me after I agreed..

"The concept I have involves over forty cameras on tripods in a circle around the band (Now you see where I'm going with this...). "

So for fun, where do you think hes "going with this?"
I don't remember the name of the band or the song, in the mid '80's there was a metal band that performed in a circle and was shot in exactly the same way (a lot of cameras). As the song was played you sort of spun around the band.
Thats what I'm guessing, but what else??

Barrage cuts from opposing angles; criss-crossing the circle pattern the same way one would bolt on a transmission bell housing. Set to closely mimic a blast beat from the double-kick.

Congrats on landing the gig, sounds like a cool project.

Can I be a the jerk who points out that this would be 1 DP and 39 operators? ;)
There is a term for
probably some sweet ass matrix style camera techniques like the ones below
I forgot what it is, but it's something like bullet time? I don't remember. But when I helped out a friend we used 10 or so Panasonic's and one by one, he Genlocked all of them to some box or something. It took forever and from his bay in the studion he would cuss a lot. But the final product was amazing! Not as cool as the boardshort though.

I don't know if you watch TNT like the Closer, but for the ads, the do a cheap version. I've decided that they composite a combination a keyed elements, still images and Motion or Aftereffects awesomeness!
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Barrage cuts from opposing angles; criss-crossing the circle pattern the same way one would bolt on a transmission bell housing. Set to closely mimic a blast beat from the double-kick.

Congrats on landing the gig, sounds like a cool project.

Can I be a the jerk who points out that this would be 1 DP and 39 operators? ;)

what a gear head geek! ;)

hey, the DP references are his not mine.. :)