Bad news, sheepishly-optimistic news, good news.
Bad News:
I got the rejection letter from SXSW today. Honestly, I was expecting that. The copy I sent them was really rough (it didn't even have audio in some places). Unfortunately, I
just sent them the more polished version that we screened last week.
Sheepishly-optimistic News:
Hypothetically, we might not be completely out of the running for SXSW. According to their FAQ page, they
might watch the more polished version that I just sent them. Meh, I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Good News:
Actually, this is great news for me. SXSW wasn't actually my 1st choice. Of course, I'd love to screen there, but my primary target has always been Seattle International. I missed their deadline.
Or so I thought! It seems Seattle International has an extended deadline for withoutabox submissions, and I have not missed that one.