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  • Yesterday I brainstormed with my friend & co-writer on ideas for the new draft of our feature screenplay :) Like all such things, it's taking longer than we'd like to get it where we want it to be, but we'll get there, one revision at a time.
    Even though streaming dominates the movie market, I'm still tickled that my movie Detours is now available on DVD through Walmart on line & Amazon, & coming soon to Barnes and Noble & FYE. Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 9.35.13 AM.png
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    No. Both movies have been out for quite a while - I've simply added a DVD release to streaming options.
    Aspiring Mogul
    Mara, I'm watching it on Tubi, and I like the characters saying she should get a good divorce lawyer. I think they should also have said to pay the lawyer's invoices immediately without any fuss.
    My dad was a lawyer and a judge :)
    The little things that make me (very) happy:
    a follower on Threads (aka the new Twitter?) who I don't otherwise know said the following to me after watching Detours:
    "I enjoyed it tremendously. I laughed and cried, but most importantly I felt better after watching than I did when I started."

    We all know what a slog it is to make a feature, so any time I get positive feedback, it helps. A lot.
    I appreciate the mentions by friend/collaborator Tara Westwood. Her description of our project is perfect: "Mara and I are now co-writing a feature about medically assisted death (trust me it’s a lighter story than it sounds)"
    Gut-wrenching stuff, in its boldness and bravery. I was addicted to the tangibility that was pretty consistent all through.

    My sincere respects to you. Oh, and fitting "Title".
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    It looks like the YouTube service that was hosting my movies has been "terminated"? Yikes! But you can watch Detours here on the free PlexTV service: Detours on Plex TV
    Yea i was going to say that. Btw i watched surviving family on plex.

    One suble detail i noticed which impacted me is the chirping of the bird in the midst of the troubled conversations. Is that intentional?
    Not intentional :)
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    I'm working on a new project with my friend Tara Westwood. She plays the daughter in my movie Detours, produced with me, & brought in much of the great cast. She played the older sister in Surviving Family. Her directorial debut, the amazing short "Triggered," has qualified for the Best Live Action Short Oscar competition. You can see it here:
    Happiness is great client feedback on a screenplay consulting gig. "Mara provided me with exactly the scale and type of feedback I needed on an emerging screenplay. Unquestionably, the quality of my final version will be greater b/c of Mara's input"
    I saw that the wonderful actor Paul Sorvino passed away at 83. Loved having him in my movie DETOURS and he was a real pleasure to work with.


    • Tara and Paul.jpg
      Tara and Paul.jpg
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    Ah, these guys, who we have seen dozens of times, here and there, real pros, enriching everything. It must have been especially sad for you, Mara, having known the guy.
    It was very sad indeed. He was a pleasure to work with, very kind with the cast and crew, and generous with his time to take photos with people both on the production team or who simply recognized him as they walked by the set.
    Nate North
    Nate North
    Even in a role, he always came off as the kind of person that would be really nice in real life. It's really impressive that your work attracted a legendary actor of this caliber. Sorry to see him go, definitely one of a kind.
    We watched episode 7 of The Offer last night, "The Producer." I LOVED the fight between the DP character (Gordon Willis) and director Francis Ford Coppola. The director was screaming that the DP was ruining everything by not leaving enough room for the actors to move around. The DP screamed that he could just put up a single floodlight, if that would make him happy. :)
    We watched "Barry" season 3, episode 3 ("All the Sauce") last night and the scene with the detonator & tech support was one of my favorite things in a long time. Absolutely hysterical and totally relatable.
    Nate North
    Nate North
    That was some great writing! "It sounds like we got it fixed, is there anything else we can help you with?" I also liked - "who do you think should be the next spiderman?" response "I don't know, Ben Mendelsohn"
    Yup! Absolutely.
    Happiness is finding out that one of your actors got nominated for a TONY award this week! One of the great things about making indie movies in the NYC area is the access to wonderful theater actors, Deirdre O'Connell was in our DETOURS cast & was nominated for Best Actress for her one woman show Dana H. She also was truly a pleasure to work with.Didi 1.png:)
    Both of my features - DETOURS and Surviving Family - are now available to stream free worldwide (except People's Republic of China, apparently) on Plex. And that makes me happy :)
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