blog What are you working on today? Community Blog

Big or small! On a film shoot? Writing? Whatever!

If you do something for your film, even something small, every day, it WILL get made! Eventually. ;) Let this blog help you.

Don't procrastinate! Even something as small as proofreading or shopping for batteries counts.

So what are YOU working on today? Post below! And if the answer is nothing, think of something!


Film Production: On Set of 'Pendant'" by vancouverfilmschool is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Do you happen to have a reference point for that French law? I’d love to email them a link.
From the French government website:
- for your reference, the rather clunky auto-translated English version (a straightforward Google translate is marginally better)
- for your customer, the original French version

You can find the same info repackaged by a variety of business advice websites if you use the search terms "delai paiement facture entreprise"

Point to note: there are different penalties for a sole trader (Entreprise individuelle, EI) and a limited company, the latter being pretty stiff - 2 million Euros for a first offence, and double thereafter! As you might infer, there used to be a chronic problem in France with late payment of invoices. It's getting better now. :D
From the French government website:
- for your reference, the rather clunky auto-translated English version (a straightforward Google translate is marginally better)
- for your customer, the original French version

You can find the same info repackaged by a variety of business advice websites if you use the search terms "delai paiement facture entreprise"

Point to note: there are different penalties for a sole trader (Entreprise individuelle, EI) and a limited company, the latter being pretty stiff - 2 million Euros for a first offence, and double thereafter!
Thanks. Kind of wish I was incorporated instead of an individual/sole proprietor. 😆

But this gives me plenty to work with.

As you might infer, there used to be a chronic problem in France with late payment of invoices. It's getting better now. :D

Is it, though?
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Been inactive here lately, but not by choice...illness and a death in the family. I'm hoping to get back into work now. I've recently become very interested in incorporating super 8 into my animation workflow, and have acquired a couple of clean, working cameras. Have only shot one cassette so far and am awaiting its return from the lab after processing/scanning. Right now the plan is to shoot black and white and then incorporate this footage into scenes built in Blender and/or edited in DaVinci Resolve. Will post when I get some results to share. Excited by my (partial) return to analog!


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While impatiently awaiting the return of my footage (I am SO spoiled by digital immediacy that I'm forgetting the niceties of anticipation when it comes to analog) I've been working on looks for this project, tentatively titled "Self Portrait in the form of an Enigma". The Super 8 footage will be incorporated into the 2D/3D workflow in a kind of unique (I hope) way, but for the time being I'm just playing with some basic looks.
(The film will also deal with the human impulse to make images)

Composite Shot 1-00;00;15;29.png
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I had shelved a treatment of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" a while ago as it just wasn't working for me. Dusted it off today and completely rewrote the treatment to focus on one character and their role in the unfolding events in Grimpen. It will be quite short (as usual), but is more in the direction I had originally envisioned. I think Doyle's story is well-known enough that this angle will work.
I had shelved a treatment of "The Hound of the Baskervilles" a while ago as it just wasn't working for me. Dusted it off today and completely rewrote the treatment to focus on one character and their role in the unfolding events in Grimpen. It will be quite short (as usual), but is more in the direction I had originally envisioned. I think Doyle's story is well-known enough that this angle will work.
Sounds cool! I love Doyle's work!
Just wrapped a weekend on a gothic horror short film. This one’s a fun project. I’m playing both sides of the sound coin, as I was the location sound mixer this weekend, and will begin the post sound process in a week or two when picture’s locked.

The film’s sound is primarily going to be built in post. There are only four lines of dialog in the entire script, plus a little VO, so most of my time this weekend was spent capturing movement and the sounds of the location, as well as impulse responses from the interiors so I can match the rooms’ reverb characteristics later.

Starting sound design and edit on another short today (in earnest.. I received the AAF last week, got the session set up, and started dialog editing and cleanup, but then had to set it aside until this week).

Also currently negotiating to provide location sound for a feature film that’s supposed to start production at the end of the month. Hoping that pans out, and that we can firm things up in the next day or two.
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Launching work on a short based on a Polish fantasy/horror/psychological short story from the 1920s. The translation into English has been done (the translator did an amazing job) and am beginning the long planning process. Excited about this one! (And no, I'm not Polish nor can I speak it; just loved the idea of the story so had it translated and it completely fits my concept).
Sound design projects still wrapping up. Caught a small spot last night that had slipped my attention, just before bouncing out the final mix. A kid running out into the driveway, and I didn’t address her flip-flops on the concrete. Deadline is upon me, so I scramble to Foley that in. A couple of fly swatters, sandwiched with craft foam and wrapped in a single strip of gaff tape, and a spare sheet of stick-on vinyl tile (marble look) leftover from when we finished our basement back in the fall. It worked perfectly.

And I just booked four location mixing days for next week, two different shows, and three for the end of the month. Still doesn’t make up for the feature getting cancelled, but I have booked enough work to replace a pretty good chunk of that.
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We had a really (really) good Zoom meeting yesterday with the woman who has joined our project (Alison) as casting director & executive producer. There was broad agreement as to who the people are who we want for director, lead roles, major supporting roles, etc. She will be sending out an offer letter at the beginning of next week to our top choice for both director & lead (both/either). Fingers & toes crossed :)
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Nice foley save! I found your pic online.


Fewer explosions on this one.

So, I ended up with all 5 days booked last week, which was great. That feature that was pushed (tentatively) to spring, popped up with three days (1 prep + 2 shoot) this week. It was a proof-of-concept. I haven’t completely replaced the income from the full feature, but I’ve actually come pretty close. I ended up with a good Sept/Oct after all. Three more days upcoming, one corporate and two documentary, and that’s all I currently have on my calendar.
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So...we have an experienced director interested in my current feature project Alison . They're currently reading the script, which is always nerve-racking. It's still not completely clear if we can get the entire producing team on board with hiring this person, but I'm guardedly optimistic. Next step would be a Zoom meeting with the entire team, and then potentially we'd make them an offer. I suspect that these next steps won't happen until after Christmas, and even after New Year's. I'm not known for my patience :)