Anatomy of a Troll

I have been working for 3 years now on a feature length documentary about when an internet troll came to St. Joseph Missouri. My own history with this troll began here on

The video above is not from the documentary proper but is more of a mini-doc update on some of what has been happening recently with the guy, who I just spent months with in court for a Civil Stalking Protection Order I filed against him. There are currently criminal charges filed against him and warrants for his arrest (misdemeanor, so no extradition).

It is a wild tale that I hope is as compelling for you as it has been for myself and his other victims.
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This new vlog for my documentary Social Media Monster is very very personal to me. Most of my friends know I have a cyberstalker and that it's pretty scary. Lately he has been working very hard to promote that I am a "racist" and he wants people to act on that. This can have a devastating effect on my life, my career and people around me.

So I made this Vlog to kind of deal with how it feels. Cleveland Filmmaker Darryl Moore stepped up and is one of the classiest people to walk this earth, as we talk about the situation.

I would appreciate a watch, a like, a subscribe to the channel, and a comment, please. I ask this a lot, I know, but this video is very different. This is about something very important and it can really help not only me, but a LOT of people that this guy harasses.

I'm trying to effect change with law enforcement, the courts, and with social media companies, so I need as much help as I can get.

Thanks so much to my family and friends who support me.
I watched your latest episode. As usually, very well made and interesting.

You know how when you look at situation without emotion. Because it doesn't involve you, you sometimes see things that the participants in the spectacle don't see? I know you've probably been asked this many times, but it is possible that both you and the troll are obsessing over each other?

The troll of yours is viscous. That's for sure. I'd be worried. He looks like the kind of guy who has nothing to lose. Prison might be a blessing for him.
I watched your latest episode. As usually, very well made and interesting.

You know how when you look at situation without emotion. Because it doesn't involve you, you sometimes see things that the participants in the spectacle don't see? I know you've probably been asked this many times, but it is possible that both you and the troll are obsessing over each other?

The troll of yours is viscous. That's for sure. I'd be worried. He looks like the kind of guy who has nothing to lose. Prison might be a blessing for him.

I would have to be in total denial to say I am not obsessed with the situation. I don't find myself interesting enough to obsess over, so someone else being THIS obsessed with me is fascinating. The way this guy lives in constant misery, entirely of his own making, and does literally NOTHING to help himself out of it - I can't look away, like a train-wreck. So yeah, without a doubt, this has become a snake eating it's own tail or a Moebius strip that never ends.

But for me, I've found a way to turn it into art, to make a documentary series about it (separate from the Vlogs) and that helps me feel less personal about the attacks. I don't really care about the insults, but when he tries to publicly and privately destroy my entire life by calling me a racist or a pedophile, that's a little different. Action has to be taken, like a defamation lawsuit. But as you notated - he has nothing to lose.

My hope is to see him get help and treatment, most likely via prison. There are already 4 warrants for his arrest, I have a Civil Stalking Protection Order in effect against him, and he was just found in contempt of court (again).
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As silly as my cyberstalker's antics can get at times, there is a serious underpinning to the story. He complains about being accused of being a mass murderer when the only person saying he could be is himself.


a new short documentary about how an internet troll tried to stop a homeless shelter from giving homeless people jobs and putting them up, then threatened the director of the shelter and his children. It's a terrifying story about how the internet is a scary place.

Man, this thing is creeping up on Chinese Democracy production time 😂
rock n roll GIF
Man, this thing is creeping up on Chinese Democracy production time 😂
rock n roll GIF

May 31st on Amazon Prime.... already streaming on a few smaller platforms.

Unseen Films review of Social Media Monster

"This is one of the most compelling films I've seen in years"

"I have to really praise Ross for making a film that gets under your skin and drags you along. It's a film you are going to want to share with friends and family members because they need to see this unbelievable tale as well."

"Peter John Ross has made a documentary that is so perfectly researched it puts every other documentarian to shame. In many ways this is as perfect a documentary as you can make."

“Equal parts fascinating and terrifying, at least. Director Peter John Ross draws you into this nightmare to the point where it becomes captivating.”

“Which is why this documentary is so important; not only is Social Media Monster spreading awareness, a warning to all who use the internet, it's also a plea to Matthew... to stop.”

“Social Media Monster is a fascinating and harrowing documentary due to its relatability.”

“Social Media Monster is terrifying and thoroughly engaging.”

“Director Peter John Ross captures and needles a sense of dread throughout. He brings home his rallying cry that something needs to be about online culture.”

Five out of Five stars

“Damn this is fascinating from start to finish.”

“The film’s opening quarter commands attention with a visual style tailor-made for leading streaming platforms.“

“The filmmakers have meticulously documented public records, police reports, emails, Facebook posts, and messages—all accessible online for anyone to verify the film’s authenticity.”

“Peter John Ross’s Social Media Monster highlights just how far a person can go and how low they can sink just to prove themselves right”






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