Hi! I'm a screenwriter from Taiwan!

Welcome, sorry it took me a minute to get over to this thread and formally greet you. This is a good forum, with a lot of creative and interesting people, I think you'll like it. Looking forward to hearing about your ideas!
sounds cool mate! did u finish the story?
No. The scene with the derelict ships was part of a web series I was thinking about, and it was a discovery when the Space Marines stumble on it, and gradually find out who the occupants were. My other scene, with the intact vessels, was something that came into my head, so I wrote it out, which was a soothing experience for me.

I'm busy with my work, so I don't really have time to do any substantive writing, which means I just dabble in it, with a paragraph here and there, all disjointed and based on random thoughts. Gradually, however, some bits are coming together, in a more coherent whole.
"Wish y'all have a great day."
You sound more cowboy than I do. Welcome to the group, Chen. I hope you enjoy the place, we have some incredibly talented people here. Not me, of course, I'm just here for the food. 😁
Welcome to the forum!

I am in preproduction now for my first attempt at the suspense / horror genre.
The story is about a grandma that goes crazy and tries to kill her family and grandchildren.

I have won some awards already in Taiwan, but English scriptwriting is a completely unknown field to me. I hope I can be a student to learn more and make some new friends here from now on, thx for the welcome to y'all!

PS. If anyone is interested in writing scripts in Mandarin, please feel free to pm me as well lol