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Being so new here I'm not sure if this is where I should ask this question, or it may have been suggested before......Could you (IndieTalk?) add a new category (Like Welcome, Screenwriting, etc.) called:
Fun Facts & Trivia
There may be a category like this already, I'm just not sure....But here are a few fun fact questions or trivia that could be posted with one voluntary requirement...please no research or Googling allowed.....just reply with your best, honest guess....and one could ask one question or several questions or fun facts per post....Here are a few fun fact questions:
1. How many songs were played in the movie
Forrest Gump? The answer in a week.
2. What was the last (most recent) motion picture that won an Academy Award for best picture that was rated PG? The answer in a week.
3. And I like this one, which is a little tricky, I saw the movie and did some research.....Paraphrasing from Wikipedia: 'In just 4 years, this musical group scored more top 10 hits than Elvis Presley and the Beatles did in their careers" name this musical group. The answer in a week.
They need not all be questions....some could just post interesting facts about music, films, writers, movies stars, or just anything in the entertainment business....I've read so many interesting facts about how movies were made, by whom, and what famous actors turned down blockbuster movie roles and instead chose to star in movies that turned out to be total box office flops.....to me, it's all very interesting.
For those who read IndieTalk, most are not members, but guests..... and sharing this information could help readers to make decisions (or choices) in their own careers....or could encourage guests to become members in order to post trivia questions and answers themselves.
I just read that the new movie
West Side Story (directed by Steven Spielberg) had about a $40 million loss, (but it may be better now)....but on the other hand, I read that
Paranormal Activity and
Jackass:The Movie both made millions and millions in profits......it might be fun to know why.
Why is it important to know how many songs are played in a movie?.....Because many may not realize how music (or songs) are such an important role in the success of a movie.
Just a suggestion...there's almost an endless amount of trivia out there.....and it might be fun