suggestion What do you want to see?

The whole point of "similar threads" is the exact problem you mentioned with camera threads. They can click and read and reply to and existing one. So I think this is a good idea. Nice work bringing that up! :D
This feature is in action.

indietalk silimar threads camera.png
It is, on New Content, the arrow to the right will let you select it. You can also select All Activity to see it inline with posts and reactions.

It's also in the Members tab.

And if you click the main tab the selections are on the sun-nav under it for both
You can go to the forum and click Watch, and it will appear in your Watch Threads list, or send you an alert.
I just saw "My Page" added to the tabs, so of course I went there.
What's the "profile banner"? Is that the profile photo or something different?
Keen eye!
I created this last night so people use their page more. From where you can post a status update, or image, like in FB. You can also add a banner image just like on social to pretty up your page. I was going to announce this today but first I have to go through who can and can't do this, permission-wise. Since you have the permission please feel free to upload one that works for you, and I can use it to show off the feature! :)
That would be great if you could click on the banner and it would take you to amazon prime streaming
I suspect that people with a better tech mind than I have could figure out how to do it.

Also @indietalk - I can't see how to edit my profile. Can you point me in the right direction?
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