suggestion What do you want to see?


IndieTalk Founder
Staff Member
Looking for new ideas on how to improve the site and your experience. Hit me!
Some short screenplay competitions perhaps. Done in a similar format to "Indie of the month" where certain elements need to be inlcuded in the story?
Some short screenplay competitions perhaps. Done in a similar format to "Indie of the month" where certain elements need to be inlcuded in the story?
I like that idea a lot - limit it to a low number of pages (5 or 10?) to make them easier for people to read.
That would be fun, monthly Zoom chats.

ACTUALLY, It could just be a thread with chat rooms listed or shared. Easy peasy and gives a reason to check back every now and again.
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Gonna introduce a blog function that is still a forum thread but in a blog format, so you guys don't have to keep using the pre-pro tag for them. Stay tuned.

A discord server.
A filmmaking meme section (I wanna laugh more... it's 2020 after all)
intergration with Facebook.
Buy and sell Gear section.
Find a team service.
A quarterly indietalk short film competition.
News from the net.
Resources List for new filmmakers.
Membership deals with hardware suppliers.
List of films being crowdfunded.
Job Board
Curated list of indie shorts

hmmm.... If I come up with others I'll be sure to add.
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A discord server.
A filmmaking meme section (I wanna laugh more... it's 2020 after all)
intergration with Facebook.
Buy and sell Gear section.
Find a team service.
A quarterly indietalk short film competition.
News from the net.
Resources List for new filmmakers.
Membership deals with hardware suppliers.
List of films being crowdfunded.
Job Board
Curated list of indie shorts

hmmm.... If I come up with others I'll be sure to add.

The news thing is pretty much covered by @indienews

But the Discord server could work good.
You can use Promotion to buy and sell, there are for-sale and wanted tags. A whole section for that is useless. Nobody is really coming here for that and no the dedicated section would not attract them. We've had it before. ;)
what might be great is a recommended gear section.
And everyone on the site can discuss it twice a year and keep it updated. And then when new people want to get into indie film making there is an intelligent package already up to date and ready.
Use affiliate links and the site can make money off it too
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What do I want to see? With the last 2 years behind me, I'm just as happy as Larry to see the sunrise. Every night I thank God for a second chance, and every morning I greet the sunrise with a song. As for anything else, I'm pretty pleased with indietalk just the way it is. What the hell, I'm easy... at least, that's what my wife writes on bathroom walls. (for a good time, call BR-549 and ask for Bob)
There's a whole section called Gear. :mope:
yeah but thats not the same. If I am brand new to indie film making and i go to google - what camera do i buy, what gear do i buy?
Maybe something comes up on google that links me here and i see a discussion from 2 years ago... okay what good is that, its so outdated.

So I make a brand new thread and then i wait for people to reply, yada yada.

Now consider what I'm talking about instead.
You click on that gear and there is a STICKY at the top that is updated twice a year and has affiliate links to buy the products.
Make it extra stylish with pictures and stuff like a blog and keep that one thing up to date.

We could also have a section with recommended links to get people started .. like a crash course in indie film making.
I like Qazi on youtube for color grading for example... but maybe someone else likes another colorist that does tutorials, either way its nice to get pointed in the right direction when youre starting out. sometimes the trouble is you dont even know what questions to ask. and a crash course can solve that problem for ignorant newbies.
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tbh i think the site is pretty good and serves its purpose
What I would really like to see is one of the members here become famous :)

Oh another random idea could be a section indietalks top 100 movies of all time.
Collection of movies nominated and voted on by a selection of regulars here. stuff like that can help generate web traffic.
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Fame or success? I know successful people here that fly beneath the radar. Not famous, but their credits are on the big flicks.