Name That Screengrab

Dang, you're good. Escape From New York, indeed. :yes:



Nah, i hadn't gotten one in a while. I should rewatch Esacpe from NY and LA. Been a while.

This must be in a mental institute... But i dont think i recognize it.
Indeed it is. :) and I know you'll recognise it once you know the film:)

BTW do you know that its 12 monkeys??

That's what im afraid of.

And no, i dont know if its 12 monkeys or not.

And as for my pic, i was wondering how many ppl would miss the celebrity among the bus full of people :pop:
I was going to say that Cracker's picketting one was To Kill a Mockingbird but he insinuated that race isn't the big issue in the film. Is it a comedy?

As for the celebrity in the bus full of people... Is it Frank Sinatra on the close right, almost off screen? That's all that I can see, the pic is quite low res, I couldn't even make out what the sign in the background read, so thanks Murdock!
I was going to say that Cracker's picketting one was To Kill a Mockingbird but he insinuated that race isn't the big issue in the film. Is it a comedy?

As for the celebrity in the bus full of people... Is it Frank Sinatra on the close right, almost off screen? That's all that I can see, the pic is quite low res, I couldn't even make out what the sign in the background read, so thanks Murdock!

In the classic definition, making the distinction between comedy and tragedy, yes it is a comedy. The way you're probably using it, no it is not.

I believe the celebrity he is refering to is simply the star of the movie, one James Stewart. I'm gonna go with "Vertigo", just cuz of Ernest's Hitch fandom, and I don't know any better.
Yep, the pebble must be Something's Gotta Give. It was filmed just down the road from us so it got attention from me that it might not otherwise have merited... ;)

I assume that people are clicked print screen whilst watching a DVD. I'm on my new iPad ( :) ) so I can't contribute yet. Plus my laptops disk drive is bust :(

But I enjoy my amateurish guessing!
Cracker: is it Hairspray? When they want to let the little black girl on but it's not 'black week' or whatever?

Nope. Perhaps I should add another pic from the same movie; maybe this one was too abstract, or whatever. I'll do that later.

Flicker, I'd like to know the same thing. I know some software does it, but not any of my DVD software, and I'm not about to download something just for this, so I've actually be taking pictures of my monitor.