Name That Screengrab

Hmm... Looks quite new so I'll say Cinderella Man, although I don't think anyone actually watched that movie...

Yes, Cinderella Man! Not a bad flick, really. Although I do admit I only own a copy because I went through a brief crush on Renee Zellweger. :D


Correct! Didn't care for the remake, but I rarely do. :lol: I knew that adding Kirk Douglas would make it easy.

@Alcove- was yours San Quintin or no? I can't think of what else it would be, but someone else already guessed.

All the other ones from this flick were WAY to easy, even this isn't much of a stretch, :lol:.

Correct! Didn't care for the remake, but I rarely do. :lol: I knew that adding Kirk Douglas would make it easy.

@Alcove- was yours San Quintin or no? I can't think of what else it would be, but someone else already guessed.

All the other ones from this flick were WAY to easy, even this isn't much of a stretch, :lol:.


Kung Fu Hustle.

I really want to add one of my own...but I don't got the technology... yet...