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Your Screenwriting Experience


I'm 15 and for all of my films so far I haven't written a script. This is mostly because I've been doing 3-7 minute videos for youtube, which, typically, don't require scripts.

Now, however, I'm planning on creating a Left 4 Dead short film, which will consist of 4-6 10 minute episodes. I really want to write a script for this because I believe it will make things smoother during production and it will generally enhance my video.

My questions are:

1. What software do you recommend? Is adobe story any good because I'm considering it. (Yes, I did google search this, but I'd rather get experienced filmmaker's opinions than random people on wikianswers :P)

2. What are some tips for sticking with it? (I've tried writing a script in the past but got tired and annoyed with it so I trashed it and just did improv during production)

Thanks in advance for any replies
I understand that you are speaking about your experiences
in screenwriting - that's why I'm asking. I'm curious about
the experience and methods of other writers.
Obviously there are a lot of people who like to write quite slowly and there are others who don't plan the whole thing out first (I think their excuse is something like 'spontaneity') but for me I like to plan the story as soon as I have the idea.
I'm one of those writers. I don't think of it as an excuse - it's
the method I use because in my experience it works for me.
Planning bogs me down. I have found that if I plan the story
from start to finish thoroughly before I write a single word of
the screenplay I will work on it for years until I feel ready to
sit down and write.

Personally I don't find 10 pages a day terribly difficult to adhere to- maybe because I'm a fast (but not necessarily good) writer and, as I say, I prefer to get it out of my system as quickly as possible.
So maybe taking two (or more) months to write a 120 page
screenplay isn't taking too long. About how long does it take you
from the time you get the idea for a story until you sit down
and start the screenplay process?
Two weeks? I've written two screenplays - Arkham Sanitarium (which we begin shooting in two weeks) - that took 12 months and my first screenplay, 'Survivor's Diary' which took five years :D
Do you find that the pre-determined plan you had evolves at all while you're writing?

I would never be a slave to my plan but I like to know where it starts, ends and what happens in between. If I think of a better idea whilst writing then I would, of course, incorporate that.

directorik said:
So maybe taking two (or more) months to write a 120 page
screenplay isn't taking too long. About how long does it take you
from the time you get the idea for a story until you sit down
and start the screenplay process?

I agree that it's very easy to get bogged down in planning so I try and avoid waiting any longer than a few days from inception to starting writing the screenplay, stageplay, short story, novel... whatever.

I just think that there are a lot of things that I read where I can tell that the writer didn't know how their story was going to end. That's why, for the OP in particular, if you want to stick with writing something then I think it's a good idea to plan thoroughly enough to know precisely where your story is going and ending up and who and what are coming along for the ride.
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I agree that it's very easy to get bogged down in planning so I try and avoid waiting any longer than a few days from inception to starting writing the screenplay, stageplay, short story, novel... whatever.
So a few days to plan the story from start to finish thoroughly
and then not more than a couple of weeks to finish the first
draft. Impressive.

Now I see why you feel two months is too long.
Writing IS re-writing.

I've written a first draft as quick as a week from a waking dream without any research etc.
BUT have spent the past six months re-writing it. And have some started which are still incomplete...

I've also spent months researching before writing a word.

I've always found that whichever way I do it it's at least 1,000hrs of 'work' before the characters come to life.

I have written stuff which I thought 'It's finish!' and sometime after added some additional stuff that's improved it!

So yes, you might well be a genius and turn out a fantastic 1st draft in a short amount of time BUT the chances are it's prob. not as great as you believe...

That's why when someone says I have this idea, I always say make sure you have the energy to commit at least six months to it - ass in chair will get you there IF you’re really serious about it.

All the best guys - respectfully, Jim
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