• You are welcome to promote here, but members are also welcome to reply with their opinions.

Worlds Colliding!

lol. yeah. i mainly did that to get a kick out of seeing my boyfriend was in a relationship with jesus :D i changed it back before, but i don't think it's been accepted yet. i hate how facebook makes you put a real first and last name and automatically rejects things. hence why i have full privacy settings and a fake last name :D
and that was really a lot more information than you needed. i'm very talkative right now
Yes! I'm glad to see this thread finally catching on, at least a little bit. Facebook is more than just a petty waste of time. It's more than just your stupid friends telling you that they have to do laundry, before deciding what to eat for lunch, and then they have to work later. I truly believe it behooves us indie filmmakers to stay connected in more ways than one.

You post a link to the trailer to your new movie in this forum and all of us movie nerds see it. You post a link to the trailer to your new movie on one of your FB friends' page, and all of their (non-movie-nerd) friends see it. Yes.

Plus, it's just kinda interesting. Do you guys have any idea how much filmmaking fun M1chea1 is having, on a weekly basis? Holy crap, that dude stays busy.

And, like I originally posted, I think it adds greater context to these Indietalk discussions, if we have a better feel for who we are talking to.
You're welcome :cool:

You just needed more chicks giving up their digits...

