Do photography, if you enjoy taking pictures of crowds at boring rural events
not sure what you mean by this...
He's joking, putting down photography, as if to say that filmmaking is obviously better (it is).

It bugs me that you have to decide, before even entering college. There's so much you haven't experienced, yet. Prior to entering college, I had never even heard of anthropology, and although I don't practice it as a career, I wouldn't trade my BA in anthropology for anything in the world.
I guarantee there is at least one field of study that you currently know nothing about, but you might actually be really passionate about, if you could only be introduced to it. If you're forced to choose something, photog/film, before entering your freshman year, just go with your heart. But keep your mind open to other disciplines, and take a number of introductory classes in a diverse array of subjects.
When you see a really good film, does it stick with you for days? You keep thinking about it, analyzing it, re-living your favorite parts. And you want nothing more than to be able to discuss it with other people. Not just for a couple hours, after leaving the theater, but for many days?
If you answered "yes", to the above question, you're probably a filmmaker. Like any art, filmmaking is a work of passion, and passion is something that I don't think really has any grey area -- you're either passionate, or you're not, and the answer should be obvious (to you).