Where'd you get your username?

Alcove Audio is the name of my business (Alcove Audio Productions). It started out as a joke; my first "studio" was crammed into an alcove in our apartment and the name stuck, even though I now have two sound-proofed, treated rooms. The studio is actually called Low Bridge Recording Studio. That's also a joke as there's a low beam at the entrance where tall people need to duck a bit - "Low, bridge, everybody down...."

The opening of Neuromancer by William Gibson.

Good book!
In '07 I started a metal/pop band, by my self wrote all the music recorded it my self. Was called Legacy Built of Wax. But when I went to use it as a name on forums/signups, it was to long for the programs to allow, so I had to shorten it.
My last name is Roe - all the kids at school used to taunt with "roe, roe, roe your boat, gently down the stream" and so it kind of started to stick once I decided I'd flip it around and use it as my own nickname.

So yeah, roethatboat. Also, roeyourboat wasn't available on Twitter.

As for the "production name" I recently decided I'd release my short films under - Teviot Films. I live on Teviot Road, I used to play at Teviot Downs Soccer Club as a kid, and in highschool my sport house was Teviot Tigers. So I figured the name was just following me around and I'd apply it to the next stage of my life.
Before changing career to movies, I was a web developer (and still from time to time) hence, came the "web"..
Numedia is a blend of the words "new" and "media" but more importantly "Numidia" the ancient name of a Berber kingdom in North Africa; the original inhabitants of those lands were Berbers, not Arabs as you might think..
So the first email I had back in 1999 starts with numediaweb and so was my skype name, msn, forum username... Ten years later I registered my company "Numedia Productions" a film production company in Morocco.
haha fun idea! i like reading these

i've never really had a set name i use everywhere online, here i am sam wagner (name) 1000, like a future version of myself

on twitter, i use jimmy neutron sr. as someone once made a joke about my long hair looking like jimmy neutron, so i replied, "yeah, i'm his dad"

and on my youtube, i use beingsamwagner as an homage to being john malkovich, cause what a great movie

finally, for awhile now, a few friends and i use the production name Dog Brow Production because at one point an old roommate got kicked out of his parents house for drawing purple eyebrows on the family dog in marker https://www.flickr.com/photos/103901963@N07/11580142146/
I decided to use my production name as my username, as it suited me quite well.

I actually was previously on these forums as Yodaman, but I lost the login information and access to the email address I used to sign up, so I re-registered under this name.
I have a pair of Canon Scoopics, which I shot some films with.

As for the production name, Midnight Sun Ent., I live in the desert and I like to stay up late. Midnight and Sun just seemed to fit.
Didn't expect to be hanging around here long (was just wanting the classic newbie advice on camera buying). I was listening to a scroobius pip song with the lyric "you see a mouse trap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge." I regret my haste.
Didn't expect to be hanging around here long (was just wanting the classic newbie advice on camera buying). I was listening to a scroobius pip song with the lyric "you see a mouse trap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge." I regret my haste.

I think that has to be the most quotable thing I've ever heard of any type of trap... XD