Where to buy movie prop(s)?

To go with my other thread on buying camera equipment, I just wanted to know if you guys know a good place to buy movie set props, such as fake blood,injuries, prop make up, weapons, silverware/glassware, maybe even costumes, any ideas?
Please don't mention regular stores, I know that I can buy a cowboy hat or make my own blood with a basic mix of supermarket ingredients, but I just want to see what those places have, and maybe even get some ideas for myself :)
Thanks a lot in advance to everybody who will help :).
Please don't mention regular stores

...but that's where you get the majority of what you'll use. Second-hand & goodwill stores, too, 'cos you save bucks.

Cities have rental houses that cater to specific needs (such as period-specific costumes/items, etc). That's the type of thing you really don't want to buy anyway. I mean, what are you gonna do with it all after the shoot... aside from returning it, if you can, anyway?

Contemporary clothing can be purchased & returned (if undamaged). Fake blood is pennies per gallon if you make your own (but dollars per ounce if you buy it). Your local magic store probably has some fairly decent latex appliances (and basic makeup kits by Ben Nye or some such) to make some grisly wounds. Airsoft guns are easy to get ahold of, and look very good - good resale value, afterwards, as well.

Regular stores is pretty much where it's at.

Unless you need a submarine for a weekend.
Steve but I am just wondering to "big" production companies pretty much do that also? Like use regular stores and such, or they are more "special order" stuff and such...no offense meant by it... just a bit curious. Because I always just pictured them using these "special stores" that only concentrate on movie props and such haha. but thanks for the suggestions though :). With the new camera stuff I will be buying, it will be good to save every penny haha.
There are some prop rental places, but most big productions either use the "real deal" or
build/make a prop. Instead of Airsoft guns, they'll use either a blank firing gun or a real gun with blanks and a pyrotechnician and weapons master on set. Fake blood, depends on your special fx artists but they'll usually make their own too. Costumes, they'll spend the money and buy the real thing (like a flight suit or fireman uniform) or if you can't buy it, designer will make it.
The internet. I have bought, at reasonable prices..

Police uniforms, nightsticks, duty belts, badges
Nurse uniforms, the old school white ones with the little hats
Dummy hand grenades
A gas mask
The electronic components to build as sci fi "Device"
An antique reel to reel recorder

Ebay, and the internet in general are your friend when it comes to this stuff.
The internet. I have bought, at reasonable prices..

Police uniforms, nightsticks, duty belts, badges

Ooo! Ooo! I need some police uniform setups! Do you have any place you can recommend? I've got an airsoft blowback pistol on the way for the sidearm, but still need the actual outfits, badges, belts, holsters, little CB-looking radio thingy, etc...
Ooo! Ooo! I need some police uniform setups! Do you have any place you can recommend? I've got an airsoft blowback pistol on the way for the sidearm, but still need the actual outfits, badges, belts, holsters, little CB-looking radio thingy, etc...

I got mine here.


I actaully found patches locally for close to nothing, and got the shoes and pants at a thrift store, but bought shorts, batons, suff for belts, etc... there
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My wife is a make-up artist for film, and does everything from conventional, to aging, to latex appliances to prostetics as well as wounds, bruises, scars and tattoos. I know she obtains most of her products from two or three suppliers. I just found an invoice from "Paint and Powder Cosmetics" on the coffee table which has three different types of liquid blood, a blood powder for doing real-time cuts, 4 different types of dirt (yea, I know, but when it see it in action it's fricking amazing how she can make someone look dirty and road-worn. It also has two different modeling waxes (for scar buildup I think), something called Traumaskin Sculpting silicon, coloring for latex and silicon and some hi-def foundations and shades (regular make-up shows up way too grainy when shooting HD).

But dude, seriously hold onto your wallet. This stuff isn't cheap. I'm guessing that she's carrying between 6 to 10 grand worth of stuff in her two kits (one for conventional, one for sfx). That doesn't include the cost of cases, make-up chair, and lights. And FYI, injuries aren't bought, they are created on set with a combination of anywhere from 5 to 20 different products. High visual impact wounds can take her up to an hour to create. If she's doing a life-cast appliance, the actor will be in the chair for about two hours for the initial casting, another hour or two for the build-up, and then another two hours for the outer casting. This is done weeks before the shoot, and then figure on the actor being in the chair for an hour or two for attachment, coloring, and blending during the shoot.

That's what I know about make-up.

Most of the films I work on typically rent their props that they can't find locally, specifically realistic firearms. If you are looking to buy replica weapons, check out http://www.stage-props-blank-guns.com/

Costumes are either rented or made.

To go with my other thread on buying camera equipment, I just wanted to know if you guys know a good place to buy movie set props, such as fake blood,injuries, prop make up, weapons, silverware/glassware, maybe even costumes, any ideas?
Please don't mention regular stores, I know that I can buy a cowboy hat or make my own blood with a basic mix of supermarket ingredients, but I just want to see what those places have, and maybe even get some ideas for myself :)
Thanks a lot in advance to everybody who will help :).
My current project requires several old cassette recorders, most of which I got from Ebay.

Some of the clothing and other stuff (old razor, metal canisters, etc.) were purchased from Etsy.
Lots of handmade stuff there, but change the category to "Vintage" and you may turn up some nice finds.
It is always going to be dependent upon where you are shooting. If you are in a major film city - LA, NYC, Vancouver - there are going to be dedicated film props rental houses, plus many others willing to rent. As an example, there is an "antique" store on Houston Street in Greenwich Village, NYC that rents everything they have for very low prices; but you have to keep in mind that they are only blocks from NYU and the film school there.

As for things like office furniture and appliances there are plenty of rental companies who rent/lease to normal everyday businesses. They don't have to know, nor would they care, that you are renting the stuff for a film.

I am always wandering through the Goodwill and Salvation Army type stores looking for Foley props, and I can fill a small shopping cart for $20 to $40. I found a great leather couch for my studio in a Goodwill store for $50. I do get very strange looks when trying on and buying high heels, however. :D