movies What's the last film you watched? And rate it!

You thought Videodrome, Naked Lunch, and Crash were "normal"?

Haven't seen Crash,but the rest is typical Cronenberg films,so def not normal ;p

I think his point is when Cronenberg is weird, he's good. I disagree, I loved History of Violence, but it's a slow paced movie so I can see where someone might find it dull.
Yup :p

I don't mind slowpace,and HOV had some interesting scenes from directing pov,but overall meh.
But obv each has its own taste :p
Haven't seen Crash,but the rest is typical Cronenberg films,so def not normal ;p
I recommended a friend watch 'Crash' on DVD... They weren't happy with me after - said it was the worst movie they ever saw! Now I was recommending the 2004 'Crash' by Paul Haggis, turns out they rented the 1996 'Crash' by Cronenberg... Once they saw the 2004 one, they loved it.

Freaking amazing. The current Rotten a Tomato rating of 98% is smack bang correct. I don't even know where to begin but it was an extremely good film and a must go for the cinemas, and I reckon 3D if you can get to it. What also stood out was an incredible sound design, but you relied on the visuals so much too.

Also, this review is pretty much my thoughts

Watch it. Do it. Now.
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Freaking amazing. The current Rotten a Tomato rating of 98% is smack bang correct. I don't even know where to begin but it was an extremely good film and a must go for the cinemas, and I reckon 3D if you can get to it. What also stood out was an incredible sound design, but you relied on the visuals so much too.

Wow, will do... I was concerned the movie could actually be somewhat boring based on 2 folks in spacesuits slowly moving to their deaths. Without seeing it, I had somewhat classified it as a contained drama like 'Buried' (location: a coffin). Ie lots of dialogue, dialogue and more dialogue - and not much else. Saying that the concept is pretty damn special. Glad the writer and director did a great job. I'll go and see it.
I really want to see Gravity. I'm not sure why I haven't yet :huh:

Alfonso Cuarón directing an epic space movie with George Clooney and Sandra Bullock with awesome VFX? YES.
I'm not a hardcore anime fan, so I had to google him to check out the rest of his credits. :D We only caught it as my GF and I went through a phase of watching movies from the world cinema section in our local dvd rental store. I recognise a couple of them, but I've not seen any more though. Millenium Actress and Paranoia Agent are probably worth a punt.

On a slightly unrelated note, If you like the crazier Japanese stuff too, then check out Visitor Q. It's pretty low budget, but never fails to leave it's mark on unsuspecting viewers. :crazy: :lol:

PS: Don't watch it with your parents/grand parents/girlfriend's mates etc. :D

LOL thanks, I'll make sure to add that to my watchlist :)
Through The Never
This is the Metallica concert/concept film. From interviews with the band and all of the press surrounding this release, I expected a proper movie but got instead a mash-up of a "concert experience" eg. Katy Perry, Justin Bieber and whoever else Disney is pimping these days mixed with a pseudo-action/supernatural short film. I have to rate this as two different films because the vast majority of the screen time is occupied by a Metallica concert. The narrative movie is really just a short cut into the concert scenes. For the concert portion of this film, I give it 8/10. I am a Metallica fan after all. The narrative short is a bust. 3/10. Although the cinematography is quite good, the story is disjointed and poorly realized.
The Place Beyond the Pines 3/5

This is a generational story, and I enjoyed the first 55 minutes which is basically it's own little story. The continuation after that with their kids wasn't as good for me so that dropped the rating.

I saw Rush this afternoon. I have not felt that engage or on the edge of my seat in that way for a long time. A brilliant film, excellent writing and incredible cinematography. Total winner - I will pre-purchase DVD and it will take pride of place next to The Bourne movies, The Godfather Trilogy and Notting Hill (I have varied tastes).
To the Wonder ?/10

I'm split on the film. It's a great movie with lots of emotion and mood. It did get a reaction out of me. But the film felt empty and lacking. It needed something. I love all of Malick's films, but I felt disconnected from this one. I never really felt for the characters. I felt numb. I'm going to have to watch it again.
I saw Rush this afternoon. I have not felt that engage or on the edge of my seat in that way for a long time. A brilliant film, excellent writing and incredible cinematography. Total winner - I will pre-purchase DVD and it will take pride of place next to The Bourne movies, The Godfather Trilogy and Notting Hill (I have varied tastes).

Wow. I'm going to have to see that.
My Brother the Devil 3/5

Decent gangster flick that didn't live up to it's title. Also very hard to understand some of the characters and there were no subtitles. I also didn't buy the main twist halfway through the movie, but I was never bored
Room 237. I'm so glad Netflix got it. Glad I didn't put down four bucks to rent it on Amazon before I realized. Yeah, not sure I'll finish watching it though. I don't know, maybe I'm a quarter of the way in? For one thing, the soundtrack is pretty awful at times; terrible to begin with, though it does get better. Loud, noisy soundtracks that compete with the narration and interviewees' voices are a hallmark of crappy documentaries. And the theories so far do seem pretty absurd. But I get that that's not what's important. What is important, really, is love of cinema, and in this case, a particular film. That's cool. Don't we all get that? Amen. But I'm glad it's available. Maybe I'll try to get through it yet.

Gravity. Yeah, quite good. The VFX do seem pretty excellent. The performances are good. I do see how it's sort of
Life of Pi in Space
The Purge 3/10

good idea but the film is just rubbish executed poorly with no real substance, the only shining point is the guy with the creepy smile.
Gravity. Yeah, quite good. The VFX do seem pretty excellent. The performances are good. I do see how it's sort of
Life of Pi in Space

Regarding your spoiler, I haven't heard anyone mention that till now, and it hadn't even crossed my mind, but even now I'm not really agreeing with it, personally, which makes me ask why? But that might reveal too much I guess